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Posted on Apr 25, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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My computer started to have this weird noise about 3 weeks ago. when it started it wasnt everyday and I would re start and it would stop. About 4 days ago it started and doesnt stop. Its a constant noise, maybe in the fan, I dont know...

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  • Posted on Apr 25, 2008
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Joined: Apr 17, 2008

Hello aneleopolski,

It could be that there is something obstructing the fan, as this is the major source for noise from a PC.

If you know how, open the side panel of the PC cabinet and inspect the fan. Make sure the fan grille is not dented or touching the fan in any way. Also make sure that the fan is in an exact upright position, as even a slight tilt can cause the fan to create a noise.
Make sure there are no loose parts in the cabinet, small pieces of plastic, loose screws, etc. Also make sure that when you replace the cabinet panel, there are no wires touching the fan grille. If there are wires running around the fan, try to tape them together and to the panel away from the fan.

Hope that helps...Should you have any further questions, please feel free to post them here.

P.S. Before you assign a rating, please make sure that the issue is resolved or you are satisfied. If not, please post back as to what you did, and/or any other questions you may have, and I will try to assist you as best I can. Please do not assign an ‘Inappropriate’ or ‘Thanks for trying’ rating if your issue is not resolved after the first response itself, as sometimes a bit of to and fro dialogue may be necessary before we can find a fix or an answer to your query.

If you find that the solution/answer I provided led you to, or resulted in a fix, please close the ticket with a FixYa! or Helpful rating. I would be very grateful for your show of appreciation.

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  • Anonymous May 03, 2008


    Just wanted to inquire if your issue is resolved, or if there is anything
    further I can do to assist you…

    If you find that the solution/answer I provided led you
    to, or resulted in a fix, please take a moment to close the ticket with a FixYa!
    rating under my solution.
    I would be very grateful for your show of appreciation.

    Should you have any further questions, please feel free to
    post them here.

    Thank you for using FIXYA!



  • Anonymous May 31, 2008


    Just wanted to inquire if your issue is resolved, or if there is anything
    further I can do to assist you…

    P.S. -You can rate this solution with one of
    four votes, if you feel your issue is resolved.

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    If your issue is not still not resolved, do not
    assign a rating just yet. Please post back as to what steps you took, results,
    etc, and I will try to assist you further as best I can.

    Thank you for using FIXYA!



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