ViewSonic VX2435wm (Silver, Black) Monitor Logo

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Posted on Apr 25, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Sleep mode when my pc sends the display to sleep the monitor doesn't power down but displays a blue screen

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  • Expert 186 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 25, 2008
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Does the monitor go to sleep when you unplug the video cable? If so, then the computer is still sending a signal, if not, check the monitor menu settings for no signal settings.

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LG W1934S turn on, power led shows blue light, but no display

so working on super old 2007 PC monitors. and no PC connected."? it is NOT ANY LED BACK LAMP monitor here.
came new with XP PC's.
the monitos all good to sleep mode if no PC vidoeo connected.
in the usa, even by law, (energy star)
how ever lacking a PC, the screen will show "no signal entering sleep mode"
VGA monitor.
LED = blue on, amber sleep, LED out, oFF.
NO 1080P mode allowed, (so common now) <<<< big clue here.
set the PC to 1024 x 768 (to test ) 60Hz.
using a flash light (torch) tool,.
turn on Monitor, see blue LED
point flash light to screen, see data, now, on sceen in the beam
now you now CCFL backlamps are dead. as most are this old.

Display Modes (Resolution)

640 x 350
720 x 400
640 x 480
800 x 600
832 x 624
1024 x 768
1152 x 870
1152 x 900
1280 x 1024
1440 x 900

page 47, see 4, CCFL jacks and HV supplies here 600VDC
free service manual with full schematics and BOM

in my shop I have VGA signal generator to maKE WORK EASY.

My screen is saying burn in and keep switching colours all the time.(white,red,green,blue.

You may need to send in unit for service because your unit is unable to go to sleep mode when the signal cable is disconnected or the PC is turned off. Please call ViewSonic Customer Care for support.

Although this will not hurt the monitor, you just need to apply an active video signal to get a display correctly. However, it will not work as expected to go into sleep mode. You'll need to call ViewSonic Customer Care to get this taken care of.

I have a acer.x223w when,it powers up the.screem stays black, n i get a blue blinking light on.the bottom

I disagree with ikkenom only due to the symptom of the flashing blue light. This would indicate to me that the monitor is not getting any display signal and is in sleep mode at least the is what happens on my Samsung monitor. Used to be that they use a two color led in the monitor, green when ON and getting display signal and amber or orange when in sleep mode. I would check the computer by trying a different monitor. If you have a second monitor, great, if not, maybe a friend will let you bring your computer over and try the computer with their monitor. Could also be a display adapter setting. Do you get any change when you first turn on your computer? i.e. Do you get the BIOS or manufacturer screen when first turned on? Also if you disconnect the monitor cable from the computer and power cycle the monitor, do you get a No Signal display for a few seconds before the monitor goes black and the blue light starts flashing?

Let me know what happens with the testing above or if you need further instructions to carry out testing.

Thanks, Jim

My monitor seems to be stuck in sleep mode

This happens when there is no communication with video card. Check cables, re-seat video card, make sure monitor is set to correct mode. VGA (15pin blue), DVI (white), or HDMI.

E248WFP (external) Monitor Won't Power Off when Laptop Screen does!

this is not a pc problem... this is because the connection loss between pc and monitor... not all pc's have sleep mode in externa vga connection.... it just cuts power off... u can configure monitor of possible to do that..

I am unable to access the internet from sleep mode Can only get on internet from shut down mode

Three possible causes of sleep mode. first, an extensive screensaver with password lock prevents display. A condition that is observable as a blankscreen also known as sleep mode. Second, a computer power saver settings that shutsdown during idleness. Third, An improper shut down of the computer would have caused a sleep mode to save the system data files.

Restoring the computer to regular functionalioty

First solving predictable sleep mode settings
1. A movement of mouse pointer across the screen should reestablish unprotected password modes
a. password protected sleep mode would display an promp message requiring key code soon after the mouse pointer has changed direction

sloving unpredictable sleep mode settings
1.A computer power saver, screen saver, or splash screen displays prevnting programs acess would require manually powering off the computer system.
a. A manual power back on of the system should restore to program functionality mode

important notes
1. contact expert technical assistance

Blank screen after monitor sleep just blue flashing light


First of all you can change the Power Settings in Control Panel. You can configure as you need. I mean after how much wait it should go for sleep n all.

If it takes 5 min. to wakeup that means you have so many applications running that system cannot manage or RAM is small.

The final solution just remove the Display drivers and reinstall it.

After removing please restart the system once to proceed further


Monitor going right to sleep mode on start up

Sounds like a bad graphics card. Try using monitor wit another computer and see if the problem still exists. This rules out the display.

Delay in Monitor display once the system goes in sleep mode

Instead of sleep mode, tyr hibernate. It is generally faster except the whole computer shuts down. When you power back up, you're exactly where you were. Mine takes about 30 seconds.

Hp vs17e monitor says it's in sleep mode then goes blank

If you are running Windows Vista,do the following,

  1. Click start,Control panel,
  2. Double click Power options,
  3. On the left menu bar,Click Change when the computer sleeps,Change "turn off the display" to never,
  4. Go down to the botton and select "Change advance power settings,
  5. Scroll down to Display and click the + symbol,
  6. Click the + symbol beside "Turn off display after" change to never,
  7. Click on the next plug + symbol beside Adaptive display and change to off (You may or may not have the adaptive setting)
  8. Click apply ,click ok,
  9. Restart your computer.

If you are running windows Xp

  1. Right click on an open area on the desktop
  2. Click properties
  3. click the screen saver tab
  4. Click the power button at the bottom
  5. Change the "Turn off monitor settings"To Never
  6. Retart computer
if this doesn't fix your problem,please let me know

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