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Posted on Apr 25, 2008
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CPU Power Hello My Desktop isn't powering on, what do you think might be causing that. Do you guys sell power boxes?

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  • Posted on Jun 04, 2008
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Hey anthonyxm,

There are actually a number of reasons why your computer may not be powering on, but among some of the most common reasons why this would occur are a possible defective power supply or motherboard failure.

Before assuming a worst-case scenario like this however, I would first suggest making sure that your power cord connections are secure and that the power cable/outlet has not had a short. You should be able to test this by simply plugging your computer into a different power outlet, or by simply connecting a different electronic device into the same one your computer normally uses.

In the event that the problem is not with your power connection, there are a number of tools available that can test the internal connections within your computer. Many retailers may sell power supply testing kits or voltage meters, but unless you know how to operate them and feel confident using these tools, I would strongly suggest contacting a computer repair technician in your area for more information.

Additionally, Best Buy™ stores do generally sell power supplies, but please remember that the brands and models available may vary by store location.

Hope this helps you out.

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