NetGear DG834G Router Logo

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Posted on Apr 25, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Regarding the router

i was sorting out the problem with my netgear router. i had a bit help from one of our colleague i got reference number.. 7037691,,, still i couldn't down load the software to upgrade the router.. can u help me?

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Georgia B

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  • Master 1,342 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 25, 2008
Georgia B
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Joined: Apr 04, 2008

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Related Questions:


My Netgear router (DGNB2100) Is 6 months old. I have noticed that all of a sudden the red internet light will come on for up to 20 minutes then all is well again. I have checked all leads and replaced the...

Well...a couple of things. The first is I've always had a high regard for Netgear's products, and have used them for a number of years exclusively in my network.

The DGNB2100 you have is six months old by your statement...but that model is listed on the End Of Life (EOL) bulletin for Netgear's support site. This means that it has been in production for long enough (since summer of 2008) to be technologically a bit stale, and that soon it won't be supported any longer by Netgear. Sort of curious as to how you acquired it under those circumstances. Anyway...

The condition you're describing happens because the modem function is having problems "syncing" with the DSL line. You're replaced the filter...a good step, but of course that didn't solve it. I would next call Customer Service at your DSL provider and have them check the line (that's free). If the line checks OK, then it would be fairly certain that the DGNB2100/DGN2000 (both the same family) is failing and will need to be replaced, as trying to repair it would cost far more than a new unit.

Hope that's helpful.

I got a new laptopwith wifi but my netgear router is not coming up with the wifi light on iv spoken to sky who havntbeen able to help sort this can you help

Can you please explain it whether it is a Wired Router?
or if it wireless router bt the wireless light is not on.
-- if the wireless switch is not on.
-- then signin to the router page.
-- check it in wireless settings whether your wireless access point and ssid broadcast is check or not.
-- if it not then check(mark) and apply the wireless settings.
and check it whether u hv wireless light on in netgear router or not.


How do i hook up my netgear router to the allied telisis on my computer

Hi, Could you provide me the model number of the allied telisis and the operating system on the computer.

This will help me provide a better solution.


Netgear WGR614 router

Hi supermosang .

Have you check the new firmaware update for your Netgear? ..pls do so first before proceeding to the next step provided below.

Next approach is to unistall and reinstall you 'reciever' to avoid any conflicts and isolate the issue. If that step is still a no go we might as well reset your netgear router to its factory settings and then lets start from there. It should work as your router has fanstastic features that supports 26bit encryption.

Good Luck.
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