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Posted on Apr 25, 2008
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Dvd from America wont play in Australia - Televison & Video

  • sm71 Jan 26, 2009

    Please can you let me know if there is an unblocking code to make Panasonic DMR-EZ45VEBS region free?



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  • Posted on Apr 25, 2008
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This is a common issue when a unit designed for one country is used in another country. The primary reason is "Region Code" which has something to do with the color/TV system. The US standard is NTSC whereas Australia is PAL B/G.

Additionally, another possibility is the electric standards. US is 110VAC while Australia is 220~240VAC.

Most but not all DVD players can be tricked into operating "Region Free" where it will play both NTSC and PAL. In some units, this could be done by entering a secouence of codes through the remote control, some others would need a specialized remote, still others would need a CD played before the actual DVD movie is played. There are also units that can not be tricked and are locked into a specific region.

Hope this be of initial help/idea. Pls post back the brand and model of the DVD player so we can figure if it can be made "Region Free" or should you need additional information.

Good luck and kind regards.

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How do I change the region code

One way, of course--probably the simplest and safest--would be to play a Region 1 sourced disc in you Australia player, but you would have only a few times you could switch back and forth between "America" and your own region's "Australia" recordings before your player "died" permanently to one or both regions.

Smarter would be to segregate your discs by the two regions; acquire a second player; convert it to region 1 by playing a N. America disc; and, afterwards, play each disc, respectively, on its own like-country-coded player. Players are inexpensive enough to make that feasible. If you are outputting to an entertainment center, it should be little problem to find an AB switching devise to switch from one player output to the other so that you two "countries" can share the same sound center.

I would be hesitant about trying to defeat the anti-piracy circuitry built into all players by other means. Or, at least, contact your player's manufacturer or tech support for advice.

What dvd region is Australia

Australia is DVD-region 4:
DVD-Region codes and countries Region code Area FREE Informal term meaning "worldwide". Region 0 is not an official setting; discs that bear the region 0 symbol either have no flag set or have regions 1-6 flags set. Region 0 is commonly referred to as "Region Free", especially when talking about DVD and Blu-ray Disc players. 0 1 United States, Canada, Bermuda, Caribbean, U.S. territories 2 Europe, Middle East, Japan, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Greenland, British Overseas Territories, British Crown Dependencies, French Overseas departments and territories 3 Southeast Asia, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau 4 South America, Central America, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Papua New Guinea and much of Oceania 5 Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Africa (exceptEgypt, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho), Central Asia, Mongolia, North Korea 6 China 7 Reserved for future use, MPAA-related DVDs and "media copies" of pre-releases in Asia 8 International venues such as aircraft, cruise ships, spacecraft, etc. 9 These region discs have all eight flags set, allowing the disc to be played in any location, on any player. DVD region code dvd-region-australia-y0cw53ms1ccj5eygvs2k2ati-5-0.jpg DVD Forum Official Website
Feb 03, 2014 • Games

My son brought a disk over the Internet he is unable to play it

for DVDs you are in region 4, america is in region 1
the only other region that it would play from is south america

so it will not work untill you find a dvd player that plays DVDs from all regions

i would try and get your money back from the company and say it doesnt work (act dumb) dont go saying its wrong region. just say it doesnt work

and if you want to watch the DVD buy it from austrailia

What is the Toshiba RD-XS34 region-free code? I live in Australia, and would like to play a dvd I have brought from America..

DVD player region-free codes.The DVD player can play both NTSC,and PAL.Play all NTSC DVD this format is in US,Canada,Mexico.PAL DVD format is in Europes,Asia,and Middle East.

DVD player is saying "Wrong region"

region codes are as follow. Region 1 North America, Region 4 South America, Australia, Region 2 Europe, Region 5 Asia Major,Africa,Region 6 Asia Minor, Probably your DVD is from another region....hope this helps

My Sony Blu ray can't play normal DVDs in my region - Africa. How do I change the region coding just for DVDs?

It's not possible to change the region code in the Blu-ray Player.

BD media does have region codes. But, unlike current DVD players, the region codes for BD media use letters instead of numbers to indicate a particular zone or region where the discs can be played.

The BD region codes are as follows:
Region A: North America, South America, U.S. Territories, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and other areas of Southeast Asia

Region B: Europe, Africa, Middle East, Australia, and New Zealand.

Region C: Asia (except for Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and other areas of Southeast Asia)


I bought a DVD and I played it on my laptop. It worked on the laptop but when i put it into the DVD player it wouldn't play. So I tryed playing the DVD in the PC and it also worked on there. Again I...

DVD movies have region codes, and they typically only play on a player or DVD-ROM drive sold in the country where the DVD movie was sold.

The actual region code is in one byte on the DVD (digital versatile disc). The DVD player or drive has a region code in its firmware. Personal computer DVD-ROM players often have the code in the software or MPEG-2 decoder. The two codes must match for the player or drive to play the movie. The code is also printed on the back of a DVD package, superimposed on a small image of the globe.

DVD regional locking is used to control which DVD movies play in which countries or groups of countries. Movies are often released on different dates around the world. Region 1 has its own player that will only play Region 1 discs. Likewise, Region 2 players can only play Region 2 discs and not play any of Region 1's discs. The six codes are:
  1. United States and Canada
  2. Europe and Japan
  3. Southeast Asia
  4. Latin America and Australia
  5. Russia, rest of Asia and Africa
  6. China
please check the DVD region code again and what PLAYER u are using to play on PC / LAPTOP??

where did you buy the DVD player??

Australian dvd doesnt play on my dvd player

America makes it hard for any of us to view CD's from other regions. I've had to pay out to have videos and DVD's converted. Other options are playing them on your computer dvd with software that will play different regions. Go to New Zealand or Australia and buy yourself a player that will play other regions. Other countries cater for international viewing.
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