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Posted on Apr 24, 2008

Our Bosch dishwasher #SHU9922UC (FD8007) will not turn on properly. Only its drain pump starts -- and keeps running -- when it's powered on and the door's closed. Pressing the two "drain cancel" buttons for more than 3 seconds doesn't help. Neither does cutting off power, then turning it back on in the hopes of resetting the machine's 'computer'. No water inflow occurs. Help?

  • nanbar Apr 27, 2008

    Thank you! Some sediment had caused the drain level float to stick, and just jiggling its stem fixed the problem!


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  • Posted on Apr 25, 2008
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I had a similar issue after I replaced a bad drain pump, seems the logic got hung up.. I poured in a pitcher of water, closed the door, it drained and was then ok - worth a try. If not, you may have a bad water level switch.

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Bosch dishwasher does not drain water and does not run

Bosch,. like many others have a "safe: cycle where the machine will always do a short pump out before it starts any cycle. If it fails to do a pump out even if there is no water in the machine, the machine will go into safety mode and will not allow a program to start. You will have to pull the machine out and check if the drain hose is blocked or kinked, and that the drain pump is not blocked or jammed. Toothpicks, bits of food and broken glass fragments are good for blocking / jamming dishwasher pumps.

I have a Bosch SHE55C05UC dishwasher and it just started to not wash properly and leave water in the pan below (first time it did not drain at all.. I tried the rinse/hold cycle and got the unit to drain...

I am assuming you have checked the filter and drain sump and there are no obstructions. Have you tried taking the drain pipe out of the sink downpipe and checking if it drains directly into the sink?

I am also assuming the wash cycle is completed when you open the dishwasher.
Do you hear the drain pump running?
Post your comment after you have checked the things I mentioned.


Bosch SGS5332GB dishwasher. drain pump runs all the time

There is a float under the machine that tells the pump to shut off. If the float is stuck or bad, the machine will keep draining. I am including a web site that might help. Bosch Dishwasher That Will Not Stop Draining Hunker

Our bosch shu9902uc dosnt clean the dishes,ive tryed to clean out the drains,blew compressed air thru the drain line,cleaned out the sprayers,still it dosnt clean food off the dishes. water plenty hot and...

make sure you clean the sprayers out real good,if theres debris on the end nozzles they dont spin around too good,also pull out the little service plug that protects debris from getting in the impeller.
i found a little chunk of wood in there! im still not sure how wood ended up in the dishwasher!

1- machine operates with the door open. 2 - water

So if I fixed it you want me to give that info to you for free but otherwise you want to charge me for an answer?

SHU9922UC doesn't get rid of water

HI, check the following areas to address this poor draining issue.

1. Air gap / Drain hoses
If there is an air gap (located in the sink, near the faucet), check to see if it is clogged. Unscrew the top cap and see if there is anything blocking inside. Note: If there is no air gap installed, the dishwasher might not drain properly.

If the drain hose is clogged, the dishwasher would not drain. If there is an air gap installed, it is very common that a hose going from the air gap into the garbage disposer is clogged. Remove and clean the hose. Make sure to reattach the hose before starting the dishwasher.

Note: If you recently had a garbage disposer installed, it is common to overlook removing the drain plug.

2. Broken belt
Some dishwasher models use a belt to drive the pump. Replace the belt if found broken.

Note: Sometimes the belt would just come off the pump. Even though it might not be broken, it is recommended that you replace the belt, because it is probably too stretched out.

3. Pump
Some models have two impellers inside the pump - one, wash impeller, takes care of the wash cycles, the other, drain impeller, drains the water out. If the drain impeller is broken (broken blades, shaft), the dishwasher would not drain. Replace any broken pump components.


Bosch dishwasher doesn't drain anymore

I would check the pump if its clear but not pumping down correctly check the drain hose if that's also not clogged then look into replacing the pump.

Bosch dishwasher is stuck on drain cycle

cause is water in the bottom tray which operates an anti-flood switch and all machine will do is drain.
disconnect from mains
remove bottom panel and mop out water and it will work. if fault re-occurs, then you have a leak which you will have to identify
Oct 19, 2008 • Dishwashers

Bosch SGV43A03 DISHWASHER: pump drains all the time, even if reset!

Typically you could possibly have a leak in the base or sump which activates a little float switch. This in turn switches the drain pump on continuously and deactivates the programing cycle.Sort out the leak.
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