Samsung HP-R4252 42 in. Plasma HDTV Logo

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Posted on Apr 24, 2008
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Y Upper Board

I had my tv looked at by a repair shop who told me the y main, y lower buffer, and y upper buffer boards were bad. Is the y upper buffer part number BN96-02034A? Also, do these boards plug-in or is it more complicated than that. I am an engineer, but I have never worked on a plasma tv before. Thanks!

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  • Contributor 1 Answer
  • Posted on Sep 24, 2008
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Joined: Sep 24, 2008

It looks like GUEST is a little anxoius about your helpful forum here.



What no mention of VA VS V set voltage's?? Or caution's on to safly handling the ribon connectors, which could damage the PDP display..

  • jcp2003 Aug 15, 2010

    I repair tv's myself. I see no problem with a forum for do it yourselfers. If we charged less and could get parts for less they would be at our shop and not here. Average cost of a repair to a plasma tv? $400.00. I will bet sir that you charge $100 dollars just to take the back off the tv and then add atleast 15% to the cost of any parts. Try lowering your repair charges then maybe you will have a few tv's to repair. I myself found this while searching for help repairing y boards so that i can charge less. Funny that I can find Y boards online all day for 50 to 80 bucks, but if I take my tv to a shop how much? $215 big boys just for the part. Greed....... enough said.




If you want to help people so bad, join the peace corp and let the repairmen that make a living at this, do ther job.


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  • Expert 72 Answers
  • Posted on May 06, 2008
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Joined: Apr 08, 2008

Yes these board have plug in connectors If its your Y-main Y-upper, and lower buffers are bad u can order them yourself and replace them its very easy to do.

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Turned on 42" Panasonic plasma tv and had an almost plaid looking color pattern overlay pattern on top of full tv show picture changed input source and still had over lay. Help?

Your Y SUS and Y Upper/Lower Buffer boards are on their way out. Unplug the set and let the voltage drain for a few hours. Remove back panel the Y-Upper lower are on the Left hand side and connected to them is the Ysustain board. Remove the Wire harness and ribbon cables and a few screws and take them to be bench tested at a pc/electronics repair shop. the Transistors usually are the components that go bad on these boards. You can always buy a refurned board too, just look for the REV numbers on the board your pulling. Ebay shopjimmy partsstore will have new and refurb boards.

My screen just went black there is sound no picture cannot change input or bring up menu 55hdt52 need help

What you need a replacement buffer board - upper or lower or in some rare cases both - and possibly a repair or replacement of the Y-Main (YSUS) board of the TV.

You are often able to tell the bad buffer by simply looking at the ICs on it, but it's not guaranteed.

The buffers are ND60200-0033 and ND60200-0034, subsitutes are also available.

Hope this helps.

See for more if interested.

Have bad lower y buffer should I replace main board also

Lower and upper buffers should be replaced together. No need to replace the main board.

No audio no video but sreen is on yellow vertical in center off screen

Most likely you have a bad buffer board and somewhat less likely a bad YSUS.

Such a problem can also be caused by a bad main board or bad video controller, but this is extremely uncommon.

My advice to you is to remove the lower buffer board (to the side of the Y-Main) and run the TV with only the uppwe buffer installed.

See if that gives proper half screen or not.

On some TVs you can also try only the lower buffer, but on most you can't as the lower needs the upper in order to operate.

Hope this helps.

My picture stays black and and have no sound. The green light comes on. i took the back off and there is a green light that is flashing when youn turn it on. Help. Warranty is out!

This happens very often with these TVs. For what it's worth, you can download the official Sanyo repair manual for this TV (DP42746) at I uploaded it here when I had the same issue with my TV last year. The solution is almost always to replace the Power Board (Y-Main) and the Upper and Lower Y Buffers. The parts and costs (from Sanyo in July 2009) are listed below (NOTE: Sanyo will not ship these parts to anyone but a repair shop): 1. V4 Y-Main (Y-Sustain) Circuit Board (Part # LJ92-01200A, Alt Part # LJ41-02759A) - USD $139.00
2. Upper Y-Buffer Circuit Board (Part # LJ92-01202A, Alt Part # LJ41-02760) - USD $64.00
3. Lower Y-Buffer Circuit Board (Part # LJ92-01203A, Alt Part # LJ41-02761A) - USD $64.00
Sanyo charges USD $10.50 for shipping, which brings the total cost for parts to USD $277.50. From my research, a shop would probably charge between USD $500 and $700 to do this repair. FYI - there is a class action lawsuit pending against Sanyo for this issue. The V4 Y-Main (Y-Sustain) Circuit Boards fail VERY frequently in this TV due to overheating. Hope this helps.

I have a Sanyo DP42746 and it is about 3 years old. Yesterday the picture went out, but the sound still worked. It went off for a minute and then came back on. It is starting to get worse in that it is...

For what it's worth, you can download the official Sanyo repair manual for this TV (DP42746) at I uploaded it here when I had the same issue with my TV last year.
The solution is almost always to replace the Power Board (Y-Main) and the Upper and Lower Y Buffers. The parts and costs (from Sanyo in July 2009) are listed below (NOTE: Sanyo will not ship these parts to anyone but a repair shop):
1. V4 Y-Main (Y-Sustain) Circuit Board (Part # LJ92-01200A, Alt Part # LJ41-02759A) - USD $139.00
2. Upper Y-Buffer Circuit Board (Part # LJ92-01202A, Alt Part # LJ41-02760) - USD $64.00
3. Lower Y-Buffer Circuit Board (Part # LJ92-01203A, Alt Part # LJ41-02761A) - USD $64.00

Sanyo charges USD $10.50 for shipping, which brings the total cost for parts to USD $277.50. From my research, a shop would probably charge between USD $500 and $700 to do this repair.
FYI - there is a class action lawsuit pending against Sanyo for this issue. The V4 Y-Main (Y-Sustain) Circuit Boards fail VERY frequently in this TV due to overheating. Hope this helps.

42" magnavox plasma tv

I partly agree with imaliszewski the problem is Y buffers (upper & lower). There is 3 parts to the Y board (Y-main, Y-upper, and Y-lower). There was an issue with defective Y-buffers in a memo sent out by the Plasma manufacture. The problem could be that you just got a set of these defective buffers in your panel. Or as Imaliszewski stated a current problem. but if you replace the Y-buffers repace them as a set. If your TV goes out again after changing the buffers. The panel is causing the problem by drawing too much current. That was a Defect I found out why working in a Philips/Magnavox warranty repair facility.

42" Sanyo HD Plasma TV (Model DP42746)

Not at all crazy! The Samsung/Akai lines seem to have numerous problems with their Y and Z sustain boards and upper/lower Y driver boards (aka buffers). That and power supplies are generally the largest percentage of the problems in those units. That said, I'm a bit confused looking at the p/n you referenced. I don't see that as being a Samsung number belonging to a Y-sus board. Usually they start with BPxx-xxxxxx..
Lastly, while you might have every ability to replace the Y-sus board if the buffers are bad and you don't replace them you could simply burn up the sustain board when you power it up... Installing the buffers is a bit more complex than the sustain board so be really careful there...\
Good Luck

Samsung HPR4252 with red horizontal lines accross the screen

I just had my HP-R4252 repaired on 12.05.09 with a similar problem. The picture is covered in horizonal, broken lines and the color is predominately red. They lines are grouped together in large bands across the screen.

The tech replaced the Y-Buffer boards (Up) and (Low) in about 20 minutes.

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