HIS RADEON X1650 Pro iSilence II Dual, (512 MB) PCI Express Graphic Card Logo

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Posted on Apr 24, 2008
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My monitor freezes

I have a graphic card ati x1650 his iceq 256mb. ive been playing games using the graphic card for about 1 years without any problems at all until one day when tried to install the game company of heroes. i have only got to play the games for 1 and 2 missions only until suddenly my monitor goes blank with some lines across my monitor. just when i suspected my graphic card was the problem it works fine on my friends pc. right now im currently using my integrated graphic processor and i wanted to ask if my motherboard is damaged or any other cause?

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  • Posted on Apr 24, 2008
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Since you have laready checked the videocard to be working on your friends pc, the problem may be on your motherboard.

try to do some tweaking on the BIOS and if that will not help, check your directX and softwares installed on your pc. check also if your pc is in its most optimal settings.

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My card is 256mb and games run problems

Hello asim1919, What kind of computer games do you play? and i need to know what kind problem are you having, example computer graphics card locks up after 1-2 mins, running when playing a game ?

Please reply back if you want me to help you.

Ati radeon x1650 pro crash......

you are absolutely right .....its coz aging and new games need new hardware to renderbut you could also chk the latest drivers for the same or try reinstalling OS as this is the major concern with ADD ON cards
may be the OS has gone corrupt
Rest seems ok
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ATI Radeon X1650 Pro overheats and videocard shuts down

check if the games take too much memory so that the card not able to work, if you used to play it before without problem, check the card fan if its working,and at the same time check your computer cooling if its cool enough.

I’m happy to help further over the phone at https://www.6ya.com/expert/mustafa_06f84c65ab5cc745


I bought a 512MB PowerColor ATI Radeon HD3650 DDR2 AGP video card

hey your monitor is not support the resolution , try lower resolution

Cant get my new graphic card to work

You need to install the drivers. Go to: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx Fill in the fields, download the full package of drivers, and install them. Now your games should work. I hope this helps, Yannick.

My HIS Radeon x1650XT hangs after playing 3D Games.

change your graphics card or you may upgrade your card.

I installed the ATI x1650 but the monitor is blank when I turn on

Yes the card does support the screen. If you have blank screen right from turn on, chack that you have not plugged the monitor into the onboard graphics port instead of your Radeon. If you have plugged it into the right port then you have hardware problems. Could be any of the following:
1. Monitior
2. Video Card
3. System memory
4. Motherboard
5. Powersupply
6. CPU

Try a different monitor and get back to me if you want troubleshooting tips.

Screen going blank for a second or two while video freezes then jumps.

If you have on board graphics try removing video card and reboot when computer rebooted turn it of and refit card and restart when restarted computer should recognize new hard ware and should find the already installed drivers if not try installing drivers again
Sometimes windows does not recognize new hardware until its refitted
had this problem with modems alot and the above method solved it

The game stopped

Hello matbedui,
If you think the Radeon card is overheating you can check this by simply touching the card after it's been running for sometime. Some Radeon cards (high end) do have this problem. PC cases that do not have sufficient fresh air flow cause problems not just to video cards but to everything inside the case. The design of the HIS Radeon X1650 is less than sufficient. Keeping air flow contained. One way in & one way out. This issue is so important many companies creat sites to help you cool your card.
Your Radeon X1650 Pro IceQ II runs ATI's chips. Installing the latest software is recomended. Download from here:
Pick your OS. Than pick Radeon. Scroll down to your X1600 series. You can also update through HIS. Their software is twice the size of the ATI software.

Good luck!

ATI RADEON X1650 Pro, AGP Graphic Card 512MB compatibility

Maybe this post is a bit old, but on last deceber I bought an AGP 512MB ATI Radeon X1650 PRO for my Foxconn motherboard and I must say that it's simply awesome!
I can play most games on mid-high settings on reasonable resolutions (most on 1024x768) with good FPS (except with Crysis... but let's face it, did Crytek bought a time machine to warp a 2010 game??).
So, if you already have it, then congratulations, and if you still are thinking on buying it, then what are you waiting for!?
Also, it's AGP x8, if your motherboard support x8, then it should run perfectly fine.

Also, I have a bit of problems trying to run Prey on the X1650...
It always appears an error... it's not of much importance, as I have much better games, but I haven't tried it with high fancy graphics... :P
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