Averatec 3200 Notebook Logo
Posted on Apr 24, 2008

My Averatec turns on to the logo screen but keeps resarting

My laptop turns on everything sounds like it is running fine. it then goes to the Averatec logo screen, then to the screen that you get when Windows wasnt shut down right. every time i try to start it up whether i press start windows normally or safe mode or any other it restarts right after flashing a blue screen for half a second and cant even see what it says, there is no way for me to actually log on. What can i do? also how can I get my pics and info out, i dont want to loose them.

  • 2 more comments 
  • Anonymous May 12, 2008

    averatec; everything is getting power, battery light and ac adapter lights are on,, can spin CD or DVD, but laptop will not actually boot up and nothing on screen of course.

  • i5trucker Aug 10, 2008

    Averatec logo screen comes on, then goes to black screen with a curser in upper left corner. If I hit delete when logo screen is on, then it prompts me for a password. I have never set up a password on this machine so I don't know what to enter for a password. Tried booting from restore disks, disk one runs, computer tells me to insert disk two, disk two runs for a short time then the computer just stops doing everything, a few seconds later a blue screen comes on for about 5 seconds, can't read what it says, then goes to a black screen with curser in upper left corner.

  • ziajo Dec 20, 2008

    I have the same problem. It won't restart eighter in safe mode or regular mode. I get the Averates logo page then right back to the black screen telling me that windows wasn't shut down properly

    What can I do???

  • Anonymous May 11, 2010

    giano501: What version of Windows do you have installed? You can boot into safe mode and disable the option to auto-restart after the blue screen pops up. Then we can find out what's causing it. If you can get into Safe Mode, right-click on My Computer and go to properties. Select the Advanced tab and hit Settings under Startup and Recovery. Uncheck the box for Automatically Restart, hit OK twice, and restart the computer.

    Guest: Does the hard-drive light blink with activity? We need to find out if the video chip is just not displaying anything, or if the system really is locking up before loading the BIOS or anything.


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  • Posted on Sep 27, 2008
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Hello All,
i didnt have a solution for these problems but please help me i have one problem
please provide me with the configration for card screen what i have for averatec 3200 laptop on my mail please :

[email protected] .com

Thanks everybody
Mohammad Al-Qassem


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  • Posted on Sep 08, 2008
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Dude heres the deal the blue screen is from a lack of ram simple as that. just add more ram and you shouldn't have that problem anymore. then when the computer starts up reset the page file to double the amount of your ram. that should get rid of the blue screen and you should have a running unit. if this doesn't work then you are best off reinstalling the OS.


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