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Posted on Apr 23, 2008

Change hard drive

How i can change the hard drive in averatec 3200

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  • Posted on Apr 23, 2008
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Joined: Apr 23, 2008

You will have to disassemble the laptop a bit to swap hard drives. Check this link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dnhoshor/sets/72157602004333279/show/
it shows a photo disassembly that was made to repair the power jack bu you will see the hard drive in image # 10
hope this helps

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Related Questions:


I have been given a Averatec series 3200 laptop along with 3 different hard drives ,can you tell me which Seagate and Hatachi hard drives fit this computer

what are the HDDs you have... type and size and speed is needed.
and if you can plug in one. then see if it boots, and works. then that one is proper, and you can test ea HDD and mark it will accept :
20gb, 30gb, 40gb, 60gb 80gb, 120gb,250gb - ATA 2,3,4,5 interface

Lost Installing CD cant install to windows XP my computer is averatec 3200 series

here they are , I could not find free cd:

Averatec 3200 XP Windows Driver Recovery CD Restore DiskThis is an automated 3200 XP drivers recovery cd. The 3200 drivers are supplied in a special windows friendly format. This means that your Averatec 3200 XP Laptop will automatically find and install all the drivers for your system, with hardly any user interaction. If you have installed a new windows operating system and half of your Laptop just wont work (with errors like no sound no internet or bad graphics) then this is exactly what this CD has been designed to fix repair. You can also use this CD Disk If you just need to return you.....lots more averatec 3200-series drivers information here.


Click on this link or copy and paste the complete link into your browser.

If I could be of further assistance, let me know. If this helps or solves the issue, please rate it and give a testimonial for my response.

Thanks, Joe

I’m happy to assist further over the phone at https://www.6ya.com/expert/joe_8b8c2cd6ce148309


My 3200 has shut down and needs to be rebooted. I tried the recovery disk- 1-3. It states that there was a recovery failure. M.Wright

Your problem here is more then likely a hard drive issues due to bad sectors. Back up information and replace hard drive.

I have averatec 3200 boot failure how to rboot it

Boot failures are generally caused by the system not seeing the hard drive or not being able to read it. You should enter the system bios and see if it can see the hard drive or see if the system sees it while booting up. It could just have some bad files or bad sectors. Where it's in a notebook it probably doesn't have a bad connection. You can also boot off your system CD and choose recovery and see if you can see the hard drive.

I replaced my averatec 3200 hard drive 40gb with 110gb.. does it affect the the whole system? coz sometimes it suddenly shuts down... and one more thing, whenever i run NFS game, the graphics is too...

the hard drive would cause the problem if the hard drive was bad, like if it had bad sectors on it and it couldn't write info to certain parts of the hard drive.

System shutting down on its own could be spyware or a bad hard drive would cause that as well.

As far as graphics are concerned make sure your video drivers are installed cause if there not then the graphics wouldn't be as good. Make sure you get the latest drivers from the averatec website.

If your worried about the hard drive, put in another one but make sure its a new one so you know you have the best chance of it working properly.


Averatec serie 3200 crashed new hard drive need drivers

the same way you typed it here try google it gives you the drivers then you install.

Blank screen

Look very closely at the screen when its on, see if you can see a faint image in which case the ccfl tube in the screen will be dead. Also try the laptop on an external monitor.
Otherwise if you know what your doing, remove the battery, hard drive, optical drive, all but one stick of ram, modem/wireless card and try again. There is a small chance it will be the cpu or motherboard.

I have an averatec 3200 laptop.no display

Yes..most probably its HDD. Remove the hrddisk and try booting. If it displays, no HDD.then the prob lies with HDD.

Averatc Slow Run Speed

plz scan your pc for viruses

Buying a hard drive for the Averatec 3200 Series

I have a tip. Don't forget to set up the drive as master or slave (depending on what you want the drive for). I personally have forgotten to double check this on numerous occasions (its always the simplest thing you overlook with everything) only relizing when I have the case screwed back on and am trying to boot the drive up.
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