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Posted on Apr 23, 2008
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Upper and Lower Looper Rub Together!!

My upper and lower looper rub together,kind of like the tension is too tight. I have adjusted and adjusted and have been unable to correct the problem. Now the thread breaks evertime due to the rubbing and I am unable to use my serger...HELP!!! Is there a solution? Did I adjust something I should not have?

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  • Posted on Nov 16, 2011
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Broken loopers will at least double any cost of basic like Peter says


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  • Expert 106 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 24, 2008
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Joined: Mar 26, 2008

Your loopers need adjusting, impossible to explain how to do this, you need to be shown. Can I suggest you contact a sewing machine tech, sure it will cost but if he is a decent guy he will show you how to adjust the machine.


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Brother overlock 1034d is not chaining. The upper looper is not passing far enough left to catch the left needle. Makes a "crunchy" sounds some times too.

First re-thread the machine starting with the upper looper(3), then lower looper(4), then the needles(2,1). If that doesn't fix it, it may be a matter of loosening the needle tension. Lastly slowly turn the handwheel and see where the loopers cross. The upper looper should come in just behind the scarf of the lower looper without any contact on the forward motion. Otherwise Your needlebar height could be off. Timing a serger is a very precise process and making adjustments could throw it out even further.

Upper looper thread keeps breaking

try a new needles
check for burrs
make sure the thread is not caught anywhere

The tread from the lower looper is not being picked up by the upper looper how o i fix this?

Best advice would be to consult your owner's manual. The most common serger problems are caused by incorrect threading or not threading the threads in the proper order. With most sergers, the upper looper should be threaded first. The lower looper is threaded second and the lower looper thread tail should drape OVER the upper looper. Then thread the needles.

Be sure when threading that each thread is pulled snugly into the tension disks.


How do I adjust tension on a Janome Harmony 9102D

Sounds like you want to do a rolled hem for a handkerchief edge, I do the following to create a rolled hem on my over locker. Take out left needle and cut and remove that thread. Open front cover and slide back lever for the stitch finger in the needle plate, this finger stops the fabric rolling under thread tension normally so you need to pull it back out of engagement. Your Janome may have a similar means to select the rolled hem or you may need to remove the stitch finger with a screwdriver, it varies between models.

Thread upper looper with wooly nylon and right needle and lower looper in matching colour thread. (You can go wooly on the bottom looper but it hardly shows so I never bother.) Disengage upper blade and move the fixed lower blade to the right to trim less, then lower upper blade back into position. Now tension, needle leave alone (5)' upper looper very loose (2-3) and lower looper tighten up to 6-7 and test stitch. You want the upper looper thread to go right underneath and the lower looper thread to disappear against the needle stitch. And the fabric to roll inside the stitching. Finesse tensions on the loopers until this is right, you may need to change blade position too, depends on weight of the fabric and how it rolls. Once this is right turn stitch length down to close up stitching, 0.8 or even 0.5 if you want full coverage. Thats it. You can use differential feed if you want a fluted rolled edge, nice on knits.

I have a bernina overlocker and whenever I use it the lower looper (marked in red) thread breaks. How can I fix this? It was serviced yesterday and when other people used it before me it worked fine!

Then it's one of two things. First try setting your lower looper tension on 3 and see if that works. If not set it back on 4 and cut ALL your threads and re-thread the machine STARTING with the UPPER looper, then the lower looper, then the right needle, last the left needle if you're sewing a 4 thread overlock stitch. Make sure the threads aren't twisted in the thread guide. Make sure the lower looper thread is OVER the elbow on the upper looper and over the upper looper thread. Let me know if this works. We'll work until we get it fixed!


How to Thread Juki MO-134 Serger from watching lady at Lyles. Turn upper blade up. Push in first then turn up.It makes threading easier. Blue Thread upper looper first. Pull thread through tension knob. Don'tjust lay it there. (She thought that is what I must have done) Orange Thread lower looper next. Pull thread through tension knob as inthreading upper looper. Adjust lower looper so it is right nextto upper looper so that their points are almost together and directly belowsewing needles. Lower looper will be in front of upper looper (I believe). With tread from upper looper pulledback, slightly lift lower looper above upper looper and thread. I think this isright. Pull thread back with other thread. Tension is the key. Remember that. Yellow: Thread left needle first.Remember tension. Pull thread through curled wire on left side of needle arm. Green: Thread right needle. Rememberabout tension. Pull thread through curled wire on right side of needle arm. b> Note: Before sewing turn the wheel tomake sure the stitches are going together correctly.

I had to rethread my Singer Ultralock serger and now it won't sew correctly. Best I can tell the lower looper keeps coming unthreaded, but this doesn't happen until I put material in. I have rethreaded it...

I had read where someone said their lower looper tension dial had pulled apart. Sure enough, mine had too. We snapped it back together and Voila problem solved!

Unbalanced lower looper thread wraps aaround the

Loosen the upper tension looper thread by turning the dial to a lower number. The upper tension looper is to tight and pulling the lower looper thread up. Also might want to loosen or tighten the left or right needle tensions depending on the results you get. It will be a trial and error exercise to get the correct adjustment between the loopers and needle thread tensions. Otherwise, you might want to take it to an authorized husqvarna viking dealer for service. You can locate a dealer near you by visiting the husqvarna viking website and clicking on the Dealer link on the left-hand side of the page -

Good luck.

Threading a husqvarna huskylock 1001L serger

Solution taken from "Handbook for Huskylock Sewing Machine Models 1001L/1000L/1000"

1. Raise the presser foot by using presser foot lever. When the presser foot is raised, the two thread tension discs in the thread tension control panel are released so that thread passes freely between them. Otherwise thread tension may not be correct.

Important! When threading the needle, always be sure to lift the presser foot lever, and also take care to thread in the proper order.

Threading order:
1. Upper looper thread (green)
2. Lower looper thread (blue)
3. Double chain stitch looper thread (purple) in case of 5 thread stitch or double chain stitch
4. Right needle thread (red)
5. Left needle thread or double chain needle thread (yellow)

Because the left thread tension dial (yellow) is used for either the left needle or the double chain stitch needle, these needles will never be used at the same time.

Upper looper (green) sequence:
1. Thread holder (silver triangle openings attached to thread holder stand)
2. Thread guide (flat silver clips just behind thread tension disc)
3. Thread tension disc (circular knobs with numbers for tension setting)
4. Pull thread around upper looper guide and upper looper
5. Pull thread into hole of upper looper

Lower looper (blue)
Repeat 1, 2, 3.
4. Pull thread around guide (see color coded chart inside front serger cover).

Easy threading mechanism (for lower looper)
1. Pull out the lower looper threading lever
2. Thread the lower looper and position the thread on hook of the lower looper
threading lever.
3. Push the lower looper threading lever back to its basic position while
holding the end of the thread.

When returning the lower looper threading lever, always make sure that the two
blue triangle marks (directional arrows) meet each other.

Right needle thread (red)
Left needle thread (yellow)
Important: Thread the needles after threading of lower looper and upper looper.
First raise the presser foot lever, and then thread the needle threads in order shown in color coded thread guide.

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