This monitor came with a computer I bought years ago.
To get the USB working, you need to run a USB line from your computer to the back of the monitor. There are two connection types provided. The line provided to us when we bought the system was the more square-shaped connection on one end.
To get the sound working, you'll need to run up to two more lines.
1 stereo line with headphone-style jacks on both ends. Connect one end to the sound output jack on the back of the computer (usually light green), and the other to the RED input jack on the back of the monitor.
1 mono line with microphone-style jacks on both ends. Connect one end to the sound input jack on the back of the computer and the other to the BLUE output jack on the back of the monitor.
after that there's only the problem of amplification. On my monitor, even with the system sounds turned up to max, the output of the speakers is pretty low.
Unfortunately I no longer have a proper driver to run the front-pannel buttons (which is where I need help). there aren't any knobs on the exterior to control the width or height of the image. I believe you need the driver to access those commands. Thanks a lot Com-**** for all your proprietary B.S.
I hope this helps you.
Yes, the monitor turns on and has limited functionality.
The only way to view a proper image on it is to leave the desktop resolution @ 800x600. Otherwise, the screen is cut off on one side or the other, or doesn't use the entire screen area. Of course, that low of a resolution doesn't give much useable area to view web pages :(
I've tried different driver packages, but the usb and front-pannel drivers never seem to work in XP SP3. So no front-pannel button functionality, which means no screen adjustments other than contrast and brightness.
Usually answered in minutes!
I just got the monitor, don't have any software or anything that came with it. It'll turn on, but I can't get the screen to widen or adjust.
Plugged in a USB cable, and it didn't read on the computer as anything, but I dunno if it's supposed to or not.
The speakers don't work, nor do the buttons. Do I need a driver, or do I need some software, or is the monitor only supported by certain video cards?
I have the same problem. We need driver for it
noting is working i cant get the speaker or any ting alls i was tryng to adgust the screen but cant find the buton