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Posted on Apr 23, 2008
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My computer keeps telling me I do not have an internet connection when I connect my router. I can unplugg the router and plug it back into my dsl modem and the internet again works. why won't my router recognize my internet?

  • TWOZ Apr 23, 2008

    sorry for not having much info but yes it is a linksys and i was told that I could change my password if i opened an explorer and simply entered the default IP address ( but tried .0.1 instead and it got me into my sbc accounf info but was not much help from there. I went to the command promt prior to this, and I saw an IP address and gateway address there but did not know what that was used for. Lastly, my router does not seem to want to receive an internet connection, becuase the internet only works when connected directly to the dsl modem. Does that help you answer my question and help me further? If not, let me know what else you need to know that I can give you and other specific information pertaining to setting up the router. Thank you for your time.


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John Dean

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  • Expert 41 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 23, 2008
John Dean
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Joined: Mar 19, 2008

More info would be helpful, but I am assuming that you have a router device that is not the DSL Modem, maybe a linksys, or something? Most likely what is happening is that the DSL modem is assigning private IP addresses, like 192.168.1.x, and the router is obtaining that IP address on its WAN interface, but is also configured for the LAN at 192.168.1.x, which is the same subnet, so it cannot route packets to the internet properly, as both interfaces have the same network range. Can you give me more info? I can try to walk you thru step by step.
Step 1. Verify current IP address when internet connection is working. (Go to a command prompt and type ipconfig, press enter, and document what your IP address is, also document the gateway address and subnet mask)
Step 2. Connect to the router instead of the DSL modem, do the same thing, document your IP address, gateway, and subnet mask
Step 3. Compare the two, your IP may be different, and the gateway may even be different, but see if both are trying to use the same IP range.

If they are the same, or close (the first 3 octets(set of numbers) are the same) then you will need to configure the lan side of either your DSL modem, or the router to be on a different IP address.

To do this will vary depending on the model of your router, so if you respond in the next few hours, I will still be online, and will try to assist.


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plug the computer into the modem testing dhcp
if it gets internet the modem is the dhcp server
the plug into router by itself disconnected it from modem testing dhcp if gets ip address and no internet it's the dhcp server
dhcp can be done by the modem or router. I bridged mode the modem and let the router do dhcp. of course the router must be pppoe for dsl. been years since I had DSL, hope it helps

I can not connect to the Internet. I have WiFi connection but can't do anything else

Plug your computer/laptop directly into router. Can you get to the Internet then?
If you CANNOT get to the internet when your computer is plugged into the router, reboot your router. If it doesn't have a power switch, unplug it. Leave it unplugged. Next, you need to figure out if you have another modem for DSL or Cable. If you do have another DSL or Cable modem, unplug that device to. After 5 minutes has elapsed for both devices being unpowered, plug in the DSL or Cable modem to the power source. Keep the router unplugged from power. After your DSL or Cable modem has powered up for 5 minutes, plug your router into the power source. Wait a few minutes. Reboot your computer/laptop. Try the wireless connection again.
If you CAN get to the internet when your computer is plugged into the router. Reboot your computer. Try to connect again. If you cannot connect after rebooting, make sure you are connecting to YOUR OWN wireless access point and not someone else's.
Do you have other computers/laptops/wifi devices that CAN/CANNOT connect to your wireless / access the Internet?

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hi, try to connect that particular computers directly to the router using the ethernet cable,monior the internet connection,if l the internet connection is consistent, theres a possiblity that you need to update the driver for your wireless adapter,try to uninstall and reinstall it,but if the internet connection is still dropping off,contact verizon and tel them that you are having an intermittent connection to the internet,have them check the dsl line and if possible,ask for a higher tech support to do a test assist for the connection...

thanks and God Bless

Computer wont connect to internet with router

Troubleshooting steps:
1) Make sure that you can get it to work if you go from the cable/DSL modem directly to your computer
2) Assuming that works, disconnect the cable from the back of the computer and plug it into the WAN/INTERNET connection on the router and take a different cable and go from one of the LAN ports (labelled 1-4, typically) to the computer
3) turn off the computer, unplug the router and unplug the cable/DSL modem. Plug in the cable/DSL modem and wait for the lights to stabilize. Plug in the router and wait for the lights to stabilize. Finally, turn on the computer and try it.

The red led light on the internet connection on my d-link router is on. i cannot connect to the internet now. i have a green light above the dsl connection and their is one other green light on. i have...

1st: Have you paid your bill?
2nd: Have you power cycled?
Full Power Cycle is as follows:

Turn off all components plugged into the router(Computers, Printers, etc.) Unplug the power from the router. Unplug the data cable(DSL, Coax) going TO the router. Wait aprox. 1 minute. Plug data cable and power cable back into router. Wait about 1 minute. Turn computers back on. Problem Solved?

If not and you're using DSL make sure all DSL filters are in place and that none have come undone. Make sure the phone line is still plugged in. Problem Solved?

If not contact your ISP and ask if they are doing any maintenance in your area that may by effecting your service. Ask them to perform a line test on you. If all else fails ask them to have a technician come out and help solve the issue.

Can't stay connected

Might I suggest checking out this site, . I think that the Linksys router is having issues keeping the connection alive on your PS3. You should also consider setting a static IP.

No internet connection

This should be connected as so. From wall outlet to DSL modem, from DSL modem to D-Link router, From D-Link router to Laptop via wireless or wired connection. You will still need the DSL modem installed but the wire coming from the DSL modem will go to uplink port on the router instead of into the laptop.

Linksys routetr problem

The problem can be caused, because of two reasons, one the router profile on the computer has got corrupted and second the router itself. Have you tried resetting the router to factory defaults.. Caution: all wireless security settings and user name and passwords would go back to factory defaults.

1.Disconnect all cable from the back of the router.
2. Shut down your computer and the DSL box
3.Press the reset button, using a paper clip at the back of the router.Keep it pressed for 5 seconds
4. Disconnect the power cord to the router
5. Switch on the Dsl box, wait for the lights to stablize
6. Reconnect the interenet cable and the power cable to the router and power it on.
7 Let the lights stabalise on the router and power on the computer.

Check if that resolves the problem, if not we might need to update the router.


Belkin router

I just worked on one of these today. Try this and see if it helps.

1. Unplug your cable or DSL modem and your wireless router

2. Plug back in the cable or DSL modem and wait for the internet to successfully connect (watch the lights).

3. Plug the wireless router back in again and wait for it to connect (again, watching the lights)

If this doesn't work, make sure you have the equipment plugged-in in the right order.

cable or dsl signal goes to modem ==> modem plugs into wireless router ===> computer plugs into wireless router.

Wireless connection

The first step to try is to reboot both the router and the cable/DSL modem. Turn off your computer, and unplug the router and the modem from the mains. Wait one full minute, then plug the modem back in. Wait until the lights stop blinking (until it indicates a steady connection). Once that is complete, plug the router back in, and wait until it also stops blinking. Once the router and modem are both back on, then turn your computer back on and check to see if you have a connection. If that doesn't work, then take the router out of the picture -- plug a computer directly into the ethernet port on the modem. You should definitely have an Internet connection at that point. If it works, the problem is in the router. If it doesn't, you'll need to call Virgin Media's help desk for assistance.
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