the reason for this part to fail differs along with the difference of
the type of connection you are using to connect your Xbox 360 console
as follows:
a. Direct connection to modem:1. Make
sure first no other devices connected to the modem at the same time as
some modems has an Ethernet port along with a USB port so, you might
think you can use both at the same time & connect the PC through
USB with the console through Ethernet & that's incorrect so, we
need to disconnect the PC first.
2. Turn the modem
off then turn it back on after couple of seconds (by turning the modem
off I mean to unplug it from the wall outlet even if you have a power
button for it), then go on the Dashboard of your Xbox 360 console to
“System” area then “Network Settings” then "Restore to Factory
Defaults" and when it ask you to Apply Settings select "Test Xbox Live".
3. If it's still not working we need to get the
Physical Address of your PC to put it on the dashboard of your Xbox 360
console as some cable companies are preventing any unknown MAC
Addresses from connecting, to get the Physical Address of you PC
connect the PC only to the modem then follow these
steps here, the physical address will look like this 00-E0-98-C1-88-C2.
Go on the dashboard of your Xbox 360 console to “System” area then
“Network Settings” then “Edit Settings” then “Additional Settings” tab
then select “Advanced settings” & put the Physical Address of your
PC without the dashes on the “Alternate MAC Address” part and select
"Done", when it asks you to Apply Settings choose “Test Xbox Live”.
b. Wired connection to router:1.
Go on the Dashboard of your Xbox 360 console to “System” area then
“Network Settings” then “Restore To Factory Defaults", when it ask you
to apply settings select "Test Xbox Live".
2. Turn
the router off then turn it back on after couple of seconds, then go on
the Dashboard of your Xbox 360 console to “System” area then “Network
Settings” then "Test Xbox Live Connection".
c. Wireless connection to router: 1.
Go on the Dashboard of your Xbox 360 console to “System” area then
“Network Settings” then “Restore To Factory Defaults", when it ask you
to apply settings select "Test Xbox Live"
2. Go
on the Dashboard of your Xbox 360 console to the "system" area then
"Network Settings" then "Edit Settings" then select your wireless
settings part down there "Wireless Mode, Network Name,..." the console
will automatically then search for your wireless network and when it
find it and you select it, it will ask you to enter your wireless key
which is called WEP or WPA key - you can find it written on your
wireless router or then you need to contact your ISP (Internet Service
Provider) to get it from them - when it ask you to apply settings
select "Test Xbox Live".
3. Just a kind of higher security that some router
may use than the WEP & WPA key, you have also to accept the Xbox
360 connection to your wireless network on the router settings, you
have to access to your router settings as
mentioned before
to check on the wireless security part whether your router apply a MAC
filtering option, which is an option that blocks any unknown MAC
address (the ID of any device) from accessing to your wireless network,
and if it applies that kind of security you’ll find your Xbox 360 MAC
address on the list there so, allow the Xbox 360 to get connected to
the network, or even you can just turn off the MAC access control
option instead of that, then go on the Dashboard of your Xbox 360
console to “System” area then “Network Settings” then "Test Xbox Live
4. If it's still not working, you
can put the Xbox 360 console - as a trial - in a closer position to the
router to see wither it's going to pick up an IP address or not.
If even after you turn off the MAC filtering option on your router
settings your Xbox 360 can't still get connected to Xbox Live you need
then to update your router firmware (The router software) and if you
don't know how to do so then call your ISP (Internet Service Provider)
to assist you with that, then go on the Dashboard of your Xbox 360
console to “System” area then “Network Settings” then "Test Xbox Live
d. ICS (Internet Connection Sharing):1.
Go on the Dashboard of your Xbox 360 console to “System” area then
“Network Settings” then “Restore to Factory Default" when it asks you
to Apply Settings choose “Test Xbox Live”.
2. Allow the ICS option on the PC as
mentioned before, then test Xbox Live.
3. If it's still not working, set the IP Settings manually to be:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Then go on the Dashboard of your Xbox 360 console to “System” area then “Network Settings” then "Test Xbox Live Connection".
4. If it's still not working, you can get the IP address of your connection from the PC as
mentioned before
then set your IP manually on the Dashboard of your Xbox 360 console
using this IP address, when it asks you to Apply Settings choose “Test
Xbox Live”.
If you faced any other kind of troubles with this part failing even after you tried these steps please check me man