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Posted on Apr 22, 2008

JVC KD-SH1000 unable to get SD card reader to work. Won't get past "file check" even with only one album on the card. Just a standard CD copied onto 4GB card. Also on my old CD player i was able to plug my sat nav into the USB port to keep the power up, but i cannot override the USB reader in this machine. Please help

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  • Posted on May 08, 2008
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Joined: May 08, 2008

Will only read SD cards formatted with FAT16 file system, which limits capacity to 2GB.

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Unable to share file pc to mobile through sd card reader.

This happened to me too. I solved this by buying a sd card reader that reads new sd card thst are sdhc or sdxc.

Also check device manager on pc if its conflicting with some other hardware
Mar 15, 2016 • Cell Phones

Some albums in USB stick are not recognized by JVC X40 USB reader

hi mark, before going further try this out.......use a smaller usb stick like a 4gb or 8gb with some music mp3 data arranged in folders like the way you have, and check out the response/performance. from my experience many car units cannot run/decode info from large capacity usb drives. if this also does not work then check out your nearest jvc service centre for advice. cheers.

SD CARD reader error: Insert removable disk into drive F:/

One of two I was say is the issue.
  • When you improperly ejected the card you messed up the MFT (master file table) on the card. You will want to format the card.
  • You could have hosed the drivers. In Device manager look under the driver details there should be some files listed. You will probably need to delete these and replace them. Since they may be system files you would need to replace them in a live boot environment such as a linux live boot cd ( would be the easiest. Get the drivers it has listed copy them to a thumb drive. Boot the computer to the live CD, delete the driver files and replace with the new ones.

The radio is getting power and the blue light around the the volume knob is staying on but the rest of the unit isn't powering on

I would try and check two different items. First, using a multimeter or test light ensure that there is correct voltage going to each of the sources and you have a good solid grounding source. Second is trying a reset to the unit.

It doesn't read 8gb sd cards on internal sd drive

There are two types of SD cards. The first, standard type, had a capacity limit of 4GB. But quite soon the technology advanced and higher capacity Flash memory has been developed, so the standard had to be revised - and SDHC was born (HC stands for High Capacity), which includes cards having 4GB and above.
There is an overlap, as you can see, because there are 4GB CD cards, and 4GB SDHC cards on the market.

Now your DELL is an older machine, and it's card reader is not compatible with the new SDHC standard. And it will not be, even with a BIOS update.

You have two options: find a 4GB SD card (they are hard to find, majority will be SDHC) and stick with this capacity, or purchase an USB SD/SDHC card reader, which is cheap, and use it to transfer files to/from your 8GB card.

Need to change clock on JVC kd-pdr30
This link is the user manual for your Radio. Colck instructions are found on page 6. This File is a PDF Free adobe reader will open it. Here is the link to adobe reader just in case you need it.
Every thing is free.
Hope this helps.
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Witch wires are what for the kdg230

Wiring diagram needed? Let us see what we can find....I would recommend looking on page 4 of 4 in this link to your JVC KD-G230.
You will need adobe reader to view this file. If needed, you will find this link to said program at

Acer Aspire card reader not acknowledging SD card

go to Wal-Mart or K-Mart and such, you can get a SD reader/ writer (such as Targus, about $9 USD, what I use) and put your SD card into it, then plug into USB (USB 2.0 is current standard, but will work with USB 1.1, just slower). PC will ask if you want to play/record from/to the removable drive, select "take no action" then go to the "my computer" icon (or what ever you have named it) double click the drive letter for the flash/SD card (E,F,G etc.). open the file folder that you want to copy from <usually something like "100MEDIA" or such> (I STRONGLY recommend that you "COPY FILE(S)" and NOT "move file(s)" as that if something crashes you still HAVE the orig. files) select to copy to the correct drive letter/ file name(s) and PLEASE remember to "remove hardware safely" or you could KILL the files and/or the drive(s) that you were using. (did that TWICE before I realized what I was doing wrong). good luck!

Tom tom go 300 ''unable to store settings'' ''file access error'

You might have the switch on SD card set to "read only" , This would stop your tomtom being able to write to the SD card ... hence , " unable to store settings " message . .... OR ... the folder where your tomtom wants to store the settings is corrupted ( on your SD card ) so it can't store them.... or similarly , the file is corrupted on the SD card ( maybe the card is damaged ) so the existing file cannot be overwritten . Check out all these possibilities before suspecting any hardware fault on your tomtom ..... GOOD LUCK
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