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Posted on Apr 22, 2008
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Computer will not recognise netgear router through ethernet port

  • Anonymous May 11, 2010

    which ip you are using in the computer . the ip should match the ip of the netgear router


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  • Expert 150 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 22, 2008
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1) Make sure that the router is correctly plugged in.

2) Power the router down, wait a few secs and then
turn it back on.

3) Hardware reset the router to factory defaults, there should be
a small hidden button to do this.

4) Check the LED lights on the router, and on the back of the
computer's network card (or connector) to make sure the
router is actually communicating at the physical layer.

Check for a bad cable.
Make sure that you are using the correct CAT cable,
not an uplink cross-over.

5) Open up your WEB browser, and if your home page comes
up, then your done.

6) If not, type the router's default IP address into the
Browser's address line and hit GO button or press return.

Typically this address is:, if not, check the
router's manual.

7) If the router's setup page comes up, the router is
communicating and all you need to do is setup
the router's features and settings. (see router manual)

8) If the router's setup page does NOT come up in your web
browser, the router is NOT communicating.

9) Check your network ICON on the task bar if there is one,
does it show full connectivity ?

10) Got to: START --> ALL PROGRAMS --> Accessories -->
Command prompt.

11) In the DOS-like command prompt window, type:

ipconfig /release <Enter>
ipconfig /renew <Enter>

ipconfig/All <Enter>

12) Check the display. it should list all your network settings.

13) You should see the network card's brand name,
Physical MAC address in the form of 6 pairs
of hexadecimal digits (48 bit address)

14) You should see your computer's IP address in the
form 192.168.1. (some number between 2 to 255)

This address should be assigned to your computer by
the router using the DHCP protocol

15) If ANY of the above checks fail, run the network setup

a) go to the control panel
b) double click on NETWORK SETUP WIZARD

c) Select my computer connects to the internet using
another computer or a residential gateway (router)

Choose DHCP, not a static address

This should do the trick

Your computer should now be configured to accept a dynamic
IP address from the router using DHCP

Open your WEB browser, type int the router's default IP address,
login into the router with a default factory password, and
set it up based on the instruction manual, or call the router
manuf's tech support line for help.

Good luck


If your router does not provide DHCP services,
which is very unlikely, you may have to consult your
router manual on how to set up a STATIC IP
address, but I have never come across this
problem with any modern router. The dynamic address
should work.

DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Control Protocol,
whereby your computer sends out a special packet
requesting the assignment of its IP address from the router.

2 Related Answers


  • 65 Answers
  • Posted on Aug 11, 2008

SOURCE: I'm trying to connect a

i would just stay with the usb if it works. unless your wanting to use the net card instead?


Alun Cox

  • 2679 Answers
  • Posted on Sep 03, 2010

SOURCE: I have netgear wireless N-300

If you mean phone modem on PC then no. Check connection between pc and router by acessing the webinterface (instuctions in linksys user manual).

If all OK there then contact your ISP.

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