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Posted on Apr 22, 2008
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Frig not cold - Refrigerators

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  • Expert 149 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 22, 2008
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Joined: Apr 13, 2008

Ok 1 problem many symptoms :)

First check if freezer is iced up... If so

1 is your freezer fan running? if not possible defective fan, check if it's wired with the defrost thermostat if it is suspect faulty defrost thermostat.

2nd does your defrost heater work? if your handy with an multimeter put it on the audible option check the defrost heater if there's sound it's good if no sound well your defrost element is fried.

3rd is your condenser clean?
if it has a fan, is it running? if not change fan and clean condenser

4th is the compressor running?

touch the discharge line (the skinny one) from the compressor it should be hot really hot if not suspect compressor has faulty relay/capacitor/overload defective.

hope that i can be of assistance

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Assuming that both freezer and refrigerator temperatures have risen and the humming sound that you heard was followed by a sudden click more than likely the start device on the compressor has gone bad. This is a common problem with all Whirlpool refrigerators (KitchenAid is Whirlpools top of the line product and suffers the same problem).

If you need further help, I’m available over the phone at


Whirlpool frig. Freezer warm, frig seems ok.

Since the temperature is already 40°, the cold control is satisfied and will not run. Thus the freezer will warm up to 40°.

Milk lunch meats freezing

I have to assume you mean on the top shelf of a refrigerator. If so, then you need to look for the air vent(s) that are usually in the rear of frig compartment either on back wall or under the frig compartment ceiling. These vents are pouring very cold air from the freezer and the air needs to get distributed throughout the frig, however the coldness is falling on the milk or meats that are in the way (getting hit with the cold before the air is disipated within the frig).
Three options: if the air vent(s) have a movable or directional cover, then redirect the air so it blows away from the food on the shelves. If there is no movable cover, perhaps adjusting the freezer control (not the frigerator control) to the next colder freezer setting; this will reduce excess cold flow pouring into the frig. 3rd, make a shield of plastic or metal or cardboard to divert the direct cold flow of the air vent from falling on the upper shelves.

GSS220 side by side refrig does not defrost and no longer cold

the frig is cold by the air for the freezer so if it all ice insinde no air can pass to the frig 1 turn off you frig ,, yes it not fun but you will reset the frig ( more that 3 hour )
meanwile , take out the ice of you freezer ,lower you temperature in the freezer and restart
if it do that a other time , it easy it you temperature detecter it is broken .. some you need to change it

Frig is not getting cold at all and the freezer is not freezing Thanks

Hi, I can help you. What brand & model# is this? Is there any frost built up on the inside rear freezer wall
May 27, 2009 • Freezers

Frig not getting cold

See if the coils are blocked with ice. Fridge gets cold air from freezer, ice would prevent this thus a warm fridge.

Refrigerator not getting cold

hello, my refrigerator got the following problem; it works fine at the freezer but there is no cold in the frig, when i unplug it from the wall connection and after few time connect it again, it start working, after few hours, the refrigerator stop, the freezer is fine and very cool,but the frig is not cool and the refrigerator do not start working again, even after the freezer gets warm.Please i hope you can help me with this problem.

Whirlpool gold conquest refridgerator

if u find out let me know. when we turn both frig/freez switches off the frig light comes back on flashes to number 6. it still seems cold be like this 2-3 days the food still seems cold. good luck. jax, fl

Frig just not Cold

Check to see if air is blowing into refrigerator compartment.If no air is blowing.It may be that the settings on your dials are not right.If they are and air is not blowing,your evaporator fan is not working,or may be obstructed.

Frig just not Cold

you might have had freon leak out from it sitting unplugged how long were you gone ? plus you need to wait atleast 30 minutes when you unplug your refigerator then plug it back in you cannot keep plugging it on and off it will burn up the compressor / relay overload
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