My car wont start after replacing water pomp i lost spark bu the way car came in runing with loud noies from water pump i do have puls at the injecters
Well, the old car still has a pulse, that\'s good. You need to be looking for the coil primary signal, when troubleshooting the ignition and you have no spark. Don\'t stop by asking here, buy a repair manual for your car or look for repair guides to help you do a step by step troubleshooting where you cover the whole process and don\'t miss anything. A repair manual will have the wiring diagram and pretty thorough troubleshooting guides for your Altima. Good place to start looking for where to find that coil primary wire going to coil pack, what color wire and which terminal in the connector it is. See? Makes it so much easier. As a self taught poor mechanic, I have lots of gaps in my knowledge of cars. So I never attempt any job like yours without a repair manual to consult.
Last question: did you put a new timing belt on too? I hope you did, if it is a timing belt driven water pump.
How the computer controls spark timing is after inputs from the crank position sensor and the cam position sensor, it computes the time to send a signal to ignition module to cut the coil primary circuit. That initiates high voltage in the coil secondary windings and right to the spark plug for a spark. So if you got no spark, you need to look at all these things in this paragraph-this is your ignition system, just add in the ignition switch for giggles, lol, and anything else I missed. But that\'s basically it. Do yourself a favor and buy a manual and a digital volt/ohm meter (DVOM), if you don\'t already have one. You can learn on it as you go. Good luck.
Same exact situation. I replaced the coils on my kenmore super capacity dryer, but still no ignition!