bull 5 years, you bought with lies of amazon. 2008 made is 10 years to 2018. and all batteries are dead, CMOS and big one
worse big one shorted,
or is owner ship duration? 5
rule one remove that relic old huge battery first and run on AC power pack alone(even forever)
what you did is backwards, totally battery is the last test after the whole PC runs perfect again , see?
lenovo R52-nnnnn NO nnnnnn told. sadface.
try are
ThinkPad R52 Series
(MT 1846,1847,1848,1849,1850,
1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862,
1863, 1870
12 PC based off R52, laptop.
still screen dead right, say screendead or black %100
say of fan blowds
tell beeps or flashcodes of any LED
or text errors to screen
and if BIOS is dead.
if all that dead that is power failing
we push the power button for 10 full seconds and release
that is the intel super secret safe reset.
still dead 100%
battery big still out, keep it out.
and AC pack disconnected for overnight
this is the HARD power reset.
this reset undoes power surge and latchup events.
still dead try new AC power pack did you use the wrong pack
shine flash light on screen see data CCFL tube are dead.
as all are this old frankly , die at 20,000 hours many do;
power pack 16vdc 72watts 4.5amps, only
wow free schematic leaked out,whooo hoooo