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Posted on Apr 21, 2008
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My computer starts and takes me to a black screen where it gives me a choice of " run windows normally or run from last known good configartion etc. however when i click either 1. it reboots and takes me back to the same screen. a blue screen appears just before it reboots.

1 Answer

Iqbal Husain

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  • Master 655 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 21, 2008
Iqbal Husain
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Joined: Mar 02, 2008

Did you try Command prompt only? I think it will boot and give you command prompt like C:\>.

  • Try to remove RAM, clean its connection point and then put it again. If no success then try the followings.
  1. If you get command prompt just type SCANREG and press enter.
  2. Follow the on screen instruction, it will make a backup of system files and then will list previously well booted dates.
  3. Select any one date. It will restore system files of that date and will try to boot.
  4. Then Boot normally, if no luck then try again the above process to choose another date.
  5. If still no luck then its time to take a complete installation of your OS.
Good Luck

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Start my pc on safemode

Windows 2000 and XP users Tip: If you are running Safe Mode because you cannot get into Windows, you may want to first try loading the last known good configuration.
To get into the Windows 2000 and XP Safe mode, as the computer is booting press and hold your "F8 Key" which should bring up the "Windows Advanced Options Menu" as shown below. Use your arrow keys to move to "Safe Mode" and press your Enter key.
Note: With some computers, if you press and hold a key as the computer is booting you will get a stuck key message. If this occurs, instead of pressing and holding the "F8 key", tap the "F8 key" continuously until you get the startup menu.
Trouble Getting into Windows 2000 or Windows XP Safe mode - If after several attempts you are unable to get into Windows 2000 or Windows XP Safe Mode as the computer is booting into Windows, turn off your computer. When the computer is turned on the next time Windows should notice that the computer did not successfully boot and give you the Safe Mode screen.

Windows Advanced Options Menu
Please select an option:
Safe Mode
Safe Mode with Networking
Safe Mode with Command Prompt
Enable Boot Logging
Enable VGA mode
Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked)
Directory Services Restore Mode (Windows domain controllers only)
Debugging Mode
Start Windows Normally
Return to OS Choices Menu
Use the up and down arrow keys to move the highlight to your choice. Once you're done in Safe mode if you want to get back into Normal Windows restart the computer like you normally would and let it boot normally. Click here to get additional information about getting out of Safe mode.
loading the last known good configuration.To get into the Windows Vista and Windows 7 Safe Mode, as the computer is booting press and hold your "F8 Key" which should bring up the "Windows Advanced Options Menu" as shown below. Use your arrow keys to move to "Safe Mode" and press your Enter key.
Note: With some computers if you press and hold a key as the computer is booting you will get a stuck key message. If this occurs, instead of pressing and holding the "F8 key", tap the "F8 key" continuously until you get the startup menu.
Trouble Getting into Safe mode - If after several attempts you are unable to get into Safe Mode as the computer is booting into Windows, turn off your computer. When the computer is turned on the next time Windows should notice that the computer did not successfully boot and give you the Safe Mode screen.

Choose Advanced Options for: Microsoft Windows Vista
Please select an option:
Safe Mode
Safe Mode with Networking
Safe Mode with Command Prompt
Enable Boot Logging
Enable low-resolution video (640x480)
Last Known Good Configuration (advanced)
Directory Services Restore Mode
Debugging Mode
Disable automatic restart on system failure
Disable Driver Signature Enforcement
Start Windows Normally
Description: Start Windows with only the core drivers and services. Use
when you cannot boot after installing a new device or driver. Once you're done in Safe mode if you want to get back into Normal Windows restart the computer like you normally would and let it boot normally.

I have an Acer Aspire One with Windows XP and when I turn it on a black screen comes up saying "We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfull..." Then it gives me a list of...

Try to use the last known good configuration the issue should be fixed.. If afforadable try to get a external DVDdrive.. If not try to get one from friends.. Nothing is working.. call acer they will take your computer and reinstall the OS ....

I got this computer off side of road and can't get windows to load it's try's then the screen goes black . here is what happens . I turn it on the screen comes up black it asks what I would like to do ?...

The first screen (start windows normally etc) appears because the computer ahs not shut down normally before. Since you choose to start windows (normally or last known...) and the Windows logo comes up with the loading bar, this means that the computer is starting to boot. Some hardware or software (windows) problem appears and the boot never ends. Possible reasons: motherboard failure or hard disk failure. A good idea is to re-install windows to check the results. Mention that in case of reinstalling the windows, during the procedure choose to reformat the hard disk so it will be checked for errors and reported.

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Unit wont start, gray screen then goes to a screen with options on how to start unit and then goes blank

Answer:To load the last known good configuration in Windows 2000 / XP reboot the computer and as it's booting booting press and hold your "F8 Key" which should bring up the "Windows Advanced Options Menu" as shown below. Use your arrow keys to move to "Last Known Good Configuration" and press your Enter key.
Trouble Getting into Windows 2000 or Advanced Options menu - If after several attempts you are unable to get into Windows 2000 or Windows XP Safe Mode as the computer is booting into Windows turn off your computer. When the computer is turned on the next time Windows should notice that the computer did not successfully boot and give you the Safe Mode screen.
Note: With some computers if you press and hold a key as the computer is booting you will get a stuck key message as the computer is booting. If this occurs instead of pressing and holding the "F8 key" tap the "F8 key" continuously until you get the startup menu.

Windows Advanced Options Menu
Please select an option:
Safe Mode
Safe Mode with Networking
Safe Mode with Command Prompt
Enable Boot Logging
Enable VGA mode
Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked)
Directory Services Restore Mode (Windows domain controllers only)
Debugging Mode
Start Windows Normally
Return to OS Choices Menu
Use the up and down arrow keys to move the highlight to your choice.
As can be seen from the above example, you should be able to highlight and press enter to load the last known good configuration. Once completed the computer should restart and attempt to load into Windows.
Will running the Last Known Good Configuration delete anything?
No, running the last known good configuration will restore your last good system settings and will not delete anything. The only thing you may have to reinstall programs you have recently installed because the configuration for those programs may have been lost.

Eepc 900HA : Screen froze, then whent black. Activity and power lights still on. Removed battery/ reinserted and turned on. Got black screen with message " We apologize ... Four choices for restart...

good day.
with that problem may be your unit cannot shut down properly so as early as possible you must done with a proper shut downing of your unit.
so if that message will appear select on the "Last Known Good Configuration" and press enter, if this message will appear again you need to format your windows.


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hello friends...

It seems that your window is corrupted ..may be some system file is missing in your computer...the best way to insert Windows CD and try to repair your window..


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When you boot up your computer, press the F8 key until you get some choices such as Safe Mode and Command Prompt. There will be an option for Last Known Good Configuration. Select this and hopefully it will restore your computer settings to the way it was before this happened.

My HP TC 1100 tablet PC comes up to a black screen offering me choices of "Safe Mode", "Safe Mode with Networking", Safe Mode with Command Prompt, "Last known Good Config" and "Start Windows Normally". Any...

There is a problem with the OS.

Try re-installing it.

If it still doeasnt solve the problem, then there is a problem with your hard drive.

Thank You

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dot.gif How to load last known good configuration. Question: How to load last known good configuration.
Additional information: The "Last Known Good Configuration" option was first introduced in Microsoft Windows 2000 and is available in all later versions of Windows including Windows XP. This feature enables a user to load the last working version of Microsoft Windows. This is a great step to try when trying to fix issues with a computer not being able to load into Windows.
Note: Users able to open normal Windows XP mode and who wish to restore their version of Windows to an date before the last known good configuration may also wish to consider doing a system recovery in Windows. Additional information about how to do this can be found on document CH000589.
Answer: To load the last known good configuration in Windows 2000 / XP reboot the computer and as it's booting booting press and hold your "F8 Key" which should bring up the "Windows Advanced Options Menu" as shown below. Use your arrow keys to move to "Last Known Good Configuration" and press your Enter key. Trouble Getting into Windows 2000 or Advanced Options menu - If after several attempts you are unable to get into Windows 2000 or Windows XP safe mode as the computer is booting into Windows turn off your computer. When the computer is turned on the next time Windows should notice that the computer did not successfully boot and give you the safe mode screen.
Note: With some computers if you press and hold a key as the computer is booting you will get a stuck key message as the computer is booting. If this occurs instead of pressing and holding the "F8 key" tap the "F8 key" continuously until you get the startup menu.

Windows Advanced Options Menu
Please select an option: Safe Mode
Safe Mode with Networking
Safe Mode with Command Prompt
Enable Boot Logging
Enable VGA mode
Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked)
Directory Services Restore Mode (Windows domain controllers only)
Debugging Mode
Start Windows Normally
Return to OS Choices Menu
Use the up and down arrow keys to move the highlight to your choice.
As can be seen from the above example, you should be able to highlight and press enter to load the last known good configuration. Once completed the computer should restart and attempt to load into Windows. Will running the Last Known Good Configuration delete anything? No, running the last known good configuration will restore your last good system settings and will not delete anything. The only thing you may have to reinstall programs you have recently installed because the configuration for those programs may have been lost.
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