Purchase HDD and RAM, install in computer.
If you plan on replacing the hard drive, and not just adding an aditional drive, be prepared to either re-install your OS, and applications, or use an imaging software such as Symantec Ghost.
Easier said than done...
If you have the specifications of your current memory, you should be able to find higher capacity compatible RAM at any computer or office supply store. If you can find the right kind, then you simply need to buy it and put it in. Older and more rare types you may need to order via internet.
Upgrading the hard drive can be a tough process. Some drives used to come with upgrading software right on the drive (like Maxtor for example) but they don't seem to do that any more. So, besides buying the right type (either PATA or SATA connector) drive, and the size you want, you have to check your system specs to see how large a drive you can put in, older systems are limited. In addition, you would need to buy hard drive duplicating software, like Powerquest Drive Image.
To see the process of upgrading a drive, I found a page for you, as the details are quite extensive...
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