A recovery program was run on my computer and everything got erased- pictures, all my word documents, the windows xp program, music.... everything. how do i get it back?
If you run a RECOVERY PROGRAM , a window will open giving you 2 options , 1 save files while running the recovery process or 2 FULL RECOVERY witch it will terminate all files
and setting your computer as new out of the box. did you got this option??
Sounds like you may need a data recovery company to try and get it back for you. Doing this is not cheap, it can cost a lot of money, so you best get a quote first before you decide. The cost of recovery may not be worth the data you want back. At any rate, I found one company in a search for you...
To run the check disk utility you will need a repair disc or
a operating system disc. Put the disc in the cd drive and boot from
it. You want to get to the Dos Command Prompt (Black screen with white
letters) and type the following command: chkdsk /r
Check disk will run well over an hour or two and you will notice the
percentages going from high to low, this is normal. Let it run to
completion. Then reboot machine.
If check disk fails to solve your problem you might have to reinstall windows.
Try doing a Repair Install that way you don't loose your data, documents,
music, pictures, videos or programs.
In windows xp you get to the dos command prompt by selecting R for repair when
the options appear.
In Vista and Windows 7 you want to get to the recovery
console and look down at the bottom of the window for the Dos Command.
If after the check disk utility you are still having problems then you might have to reinstall your operating system.
Usually answered in minutes!