Nikon D40x Digital Camera Logo

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Posted on Apr 21, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Information displayed over picture on screen

I turned the camera on a few days ago and the setting details were showing on the screen. It is only on single picture viewing not when I view more than one picture on the screen of the D40x. Any suggestions of how to remove the setting details from overlaying the shot I have just taken. Thanks.

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  • Posted on Apr 21, 2008
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If you press the magnifying glass button when in playback mode, the data dissappears. I don't know if that fully answers your question, though.

  • Anonymous Apr 21, 2008

    Upon further investigation, it looks like the problem is easily solved by pressing the "down" button on the navigation dial when in playback mode. Each press will cycle through different modes; histogram, highlights, image data, more image data, and back to playback without stuff on the image.


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How can you have the Nikon D7000 show the LCD info screen on startup?

On the D90, set Custom Setting F1 to "Both". When turning on the camera, turn the switch two notches, past the "On" position to the backlight position before releasing it. This will bring up the information screen.

On the D7000, set Custom Setting F1 to "backlight and information display". Turn the camera on the same way.

It's not quite as convenient as having the information display come up automatically, but you should be able to train yourself to turn the camera on by turning the switch all the way.

When I put on my camera,the screen doesn't display but I can take pictures alright and view them from my computer.What might be the problem? I gave the camera to my son some time ago for excursion and it...

you are using M853, Right?
Turn On the camera then try to press the menu button or review button if the picture or options will not show up it means the LCD is defective, But if your able to view the picture and the menu settings displayed On the LCD ther might be a problem On the shutter or on the lens itself.

Yu may call tech support toll free 1 800 235 6325 ext 12 and you may request to send you camera for repair


Nothing showing in display when camera is turned on

Either shutter jammed or CCD is gone bad.
Use warranty.

Need to change the date of previous taken pictures

load the pictures to an computer and click on characteristic trait
and rename the date

Shooting mode shows nothing.


I just had this issue with my camera (my 15 year old son solved it for me ;-) ).

The viewfinder was active in "record" mode and the LCD was "active" because you could see a little back light but no image. The "playback" mode would let me review pictures in the LCD though so I know it is capable of showing information.

If you push the display key/button a couple of times you can see the picture move from the viewfinder to the LCD and have just a picture and or a picture and information.

So try setting the camera to "record" mode (lens comes out) and then push the "display button" which is on the back of the camera just to the right of the LCD on the lower right side several times and see if the LCD starts to work.

It could be that somehow the display button was pushed by mistake.


Black screen when camera is turned on

hi.. I also had this problem with canon ixus 75. i took it to the service center and they just knocked its lens(lightly) when it was on ON mode, then suddenly the screen started working.
But he said that u should use it on regular basis for few days and if the problem occurs again. then we will have to change the sensor, I think he said sensor or something like that.
Aug 11, 2008 • Cameras

Problems with LCD Screen

Defective ccd imager!! company will replace this ccd imager free of charge. Year 2002 up to 2005 released unit has a factry defect ccd imager. the company recalled these unit and replaced with a stronger version of ccd imager( they are still doing it). check it out.

Black Screen When Open, but the Picture quality is fine

in the lower right hand corner there is a button that has disp. on it just click that during picture taking mode and it will return to normal

Pentax Optio 555 LCD screen blank problem

No I don't believe it is your shutter, more than likely it is a LCD Screen problem. I would suggest you take your camera back to the shop where you purchased the camera and have it serviced under warranty. I had a customer with an Optio 550 come in and it looked like every shot was taken through 'venetian blinds' and the problem was with the LCD Screen and the camera was sent back to Pentax and repaired under warranty.
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