Shanghai Seagull 4A-105 Medium Format Camera Logo

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Posted on Apr 21, 2008

Film advance I bought a seagull 4a-105 camera and the film advance never seems to be consistent. Often times the frame counter numbers are not centered in the viewing bubble. When I go to have the film processed, I have had as many as six to seven frames either double exposed, or no exposure in the frame. The best that I have managed out of 12 frames is 8 frames done correctly. I followed the directions and threaded the film to where the arrows align with the marks, but still the problem persists. Is the film winder the culprit? If so, how can I repair it? The camera cost me $217 new, and I can't justify spending $200 to repair it when I could buy a used Yashica online. Any help or advice is appreciated.

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I hate to tell you this, but you're better off buying a used Yashica Mat online. Send it to Mark Hama (look him up online) for a pre-use servicing - he used to make them in Japan, and is based now in the U.S. I have one and a $40 Holga just for knocking around with. Those Seagulls are notoriously inaccurate with their calibration on all fronts.
Alternatively, if you're not going to discard the Seagull, get a roll of uncut exposed film that you don't mind running through the camera again and gauge how many turns you'll need to advance the take-up reel to clear the previous frame. If you can do this without looking at the viewing bubble, you're set from here on in.



I bought a seagull 4a-105 camera and the film advance never seems to be consistent. Often times the frame counter numbers are not centered in the
viewing bubble. When I go to have the film processed, I have had as many as six to seven frames either double exposed, or no exposure in the frame. The
best that I have managed out of 12 frames is 8 frames done correctly. I followed the directions and threaded the film to where the arrows align with the marks, but still the problem persists. Is the film winder the culprit? If so, how can I repair
it? The camera cost me $217 new, and I can't justify spending $200 to repair it when I could buy a used Yashica online. Any help or advice is appreciated.


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N80 , frame number blinks, won't advance

According to the manual, the only time the frame counter blinks, is when the back is open or partially open when attempting to rewind film. Push on the back to be sure it's properly snapped closed to see if that solves the issue.

The frame counter in my F100 seems to of stopped working

The camera may be set to do a multiple exposure and you must take the camera off this setting back to normal mode to remedy this.
1. Look at the top of the camera from the back - on the far left is the knob with the BKT, FLASH, and ISO buttons. On the bottom of the outside of this knob there is a small ring and also a small black unlabeled button to the top left of the knob.
2. Press and hold the small button
3. Turn the ring until it shows the "S" setting

Then fire the shutter - the camera should operate as normal and advance the film after the shutter firing and also increment the frame counter. If it still does not, then your film advance motor may be bad and need to be replaced or repaired or your sensor in the back that detects the frames may be faulty.

The frame counter is set on S, the film advance lever doesn't work anymore either. Is there anything I can do or should i take it to get fixed?

frame counter,mechanism is bad,before u get it fixed,try urself open the back door of the film chamber u will find a lever just below the number counter,move it freely ,push and leave, the put a dummy roll and move forward the film,if u get number counter working ok

My Mamiya RB67 triggers and shutter lease lever works but film advance lever doesn't move. Trigger button fired several times but film advance still showing 1.

This is not the best solution as it indicates a faulty film back. The film should advance without resorting to activating the film-wind release lever. That is only for intentionally advancing a partially exposed roll of film. Make sure the multi-exposure lever is not engaged and that the counter does advance and the red mark disappears as you advance to an unexposed frame.

Film counter does not advance when film is wound forward!

The frame counter is engaged when the film door is closed by a small tab at the top of the door near the hinge. Try pressing that area of the door as you advance the wind lever. You don't need film in the camera to do this. The counter with work without it. The door may be a little bent and not pressing the counter lever in far enough to fully engage the mechanism.

Frame counter-can't shoot

Having film in the camera makes no difference for the frame counter to work on this model. The counter is activated by a small tab that protrudes from the top edge of the film door near the hinge.

Locate the area on the camera where that tab meets in the channel along the top of the film compartment. There is a small opening for the lever that engages the drive gear for the counter. The opening may have debris (foam) or the tab may be broken. If neither of these is the case, the film door may be bent slightly and is not pushing the lever in far enough.

It is important for the counter to work on the FG since the metering is not active until the counter reaches '1'. (switch) It blinks 60 &125 in the display otherwise

Film not advancing fully

Are you sure that you have loaded the film properly?
Sometimes if you have not started the film so that the sprocket pulls the film correctly the film can aquire slack and the teeth of the sprocket may not be successfully pulling the film from the canister each time.


Unlike other cameras that start at frame #1 after loading and count up as the film is used, the N55 advance the film to the last frame during the loading process. When loading is complete, the frame counter stops at the number of available frames on the roll (usually 24 or 36) and counts down as photos are taken. I know it sounds backwards but it actually makes a lot of sense to engineer it this way. After the last photo is taken (displays 1 on the counter), the camera automatically winds the end of the film into the cassette and the counter shows a blinking E. I am assuming that that is what is being displayed and not a blinking F. it it is an F, perhaps there is a problem with the LCD display? If so, it probably isn't worth having it repaired.

Pentax MZ 50 film winding problem

Well, I'm not a camera repairman, but it sounds to me (and probably to you too) that the electronics are damaged or perhaps there's dust in the contacts inside. I also have an MZ-50. There's so many electronics involved and they don't age so gracefully. I would consider buying another one off eBay or you can get a ZX-30 (same as MZ-30) for $75 from Blue Moon Camera & Machine with a 1 year warranty (parts and labor). The best way would be, in my opinion, to get a manual, mechanical camera from the 1970s and put a good lens on it. Those seem to last forever. No electronics to worry about. Advance and rewind the film manually. You can use a digital camera as a light meter to set the aperture and shutter speed. I'm thinking of going this route when my MZ-50 finally conks out.
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