Sony Cyber-shot  DSC-W80 Digital Camera Logo

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Posted on Apr 21, 2008
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Loading photos on computer

When I want to load photos onto my computer, I connect the camera and click on the camera's icon to open it. The cursor goes into busy mode and never stops. I have almost 500 photos, which is close to the capacity for the memory stick, but I don't see why I shouldn't be able to load the photos if they fit on the memory stick. Please give me any advice you have. Thanks and God bless you!

  • Anonymous May 21, 2008

    I recently bought a Cyber-shot DSC-W80 and tried to use it with my
    PowerBook G4 (using Mac OS X 10.4.11) and it didn't work. At first, I
    tried it with the memory stick and an icon appeared on the Mac Desktop,
    but if I try to open
    the folder (which is correctly recognzed as DCIM), I get the pinwheel
    of death. I tried it without the memory stick but i couldn't transfer
    the photos via USB. The camera wasn't even recognized. The message on
    the camera reads "USB Mode Connecting... Switch on
    [MENU]". WHen I go to the menu, it gives me different ways to connect
    to the computer, none of which work. Oh, and the installation CD
    doesn't even work; i can't open ANYTHING on it.

  • Anonymous May 11, 2010

    no, i think the camera simply doesn´t work with macs. i am able to upload the pictures when using a PC. the problem is...i dont have a PC! i have to use someone else´s.

    thanks, though


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  • Posted on May 29, 2008
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I think, its due to incorrect contact of USB cable in camera. Place this cable properly, it will work

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How to put photos onto SD cards

In Windows, click on Start/Computer. A window opens showing all the drives connected to the computer. Under "removable drives" locate the SD card. Hover your mouse pointer over the SD card icon and it should tell you how much free space is on the card. If necessary, delete some photos or other data to make more space available so you can add the photos you want. If there's already plenty of space, try formatting the SD card in either ex-FAT or NTFS format. Then try copying the photos again. If the SD card does NOT in appear in removeable drives then the SD card may be faulty. Try a different SD card.

I need a usb cable on this Camera my one is broken

If this is relating to download photos onto your computer and your cable and cd are broken this is another way to get your photos onto your computer you can put a sd card into the computer,."sd slot" .go to my computer find the icon that says sd card click on that and it will open it up for you.. .

New camera to us - NO manual came with it nor cd. How do we transfer photo's & make the flash work? We tried to down load the manual but for some reason after downloading we can't find it to retrieve...

Connect the camera to the computer with a USB cable . Put the camera to the view photo mode (a little triangle icon on the camera). If no cable available take out the memory card, insert in a card reader and connect to computer.

Go to My Computer and your camera's icon should appear.

Click on icon (E: or D:...) and on any folders there. when you se your photos copy the enclosing (right-click Copy) folder. paste (right click/ paste) in a location you choose on your hard disk.
Dec 27, 2010 • Cameras

I am trying to download photos to my pc. All plugged in the the Device Connected box ins blank. Any ideas - its driving me nuts!

OK, when I use my Kodak Easy share cameras on a fresh computer that hasn't downloaded Kodak pictures before I do the following:

Load Easyshare software onto the machine, and install it.

Then, I connect the camera to the computer.

Then, I open the Easyshare software and it may ask a few questions.

Next, I watch the computer (Windows 7) as it loads the proper driver for my camera.

Finally, I click on transfer pictures and I am set with my pictures.

The pictures should show up in the Start Menu's picture under Kodak Pictures.

You should be done.

Let me know how it works out with the Easyshare software downloaded to the computer before trying to load pictures on to the computer.


When i try to upload pics from my nikon s230 nothing automatically pops up on my computer like is says it should. what can I do so I can get the pictures on my computer?

go to my computer-click on the icon for the drive your computer is connected on-click open-all your photos should load, then highlight and select the photos that you want to save to your computer. hold the control key down to select multiple photos. right click save and save to whatever folder you want to save to.

I have a Kodak M340 and inadvertently deleted the pics on memory card, but they are in the computer. How can I transfer them back to the camera?

Before the transfer, connect your camera cable to the computer, Click on the start icon and connect to the window photo gallery. Right click the image you want to transfer and drag the cursor to "open file location", right click the image again and click on the "send to" option. You will see your camera icon, then click and it will be sent the image you desire. Goodluck. Indicate if this is helpful.
Jan 12, 2010 • Cameras

How do I download pictures onto my computer

To load your digital pictures onto your computer, you will need a card reader (hooked up to your computer via a USB) and your memory card. Some cameras allow you to hook a USB right into your camera without removing the memory card.
If required, you will load your memory card into the card reader. Your digital media will appear as another drive on your computer. Click the drive and your photos will appear in a folder on the drive. You can view your pictures immediately by double-clicking the file. From here, you can save your pictures directly to any folder on your computer.
Additional notes:
  • Consider purchasing photo manipulation software like PhotoShop or Fireworks. Use this software to fix common photo problems (poor light, etc) or add effects like text and color.
  • Print your photos on photo paper.
Sep 22, 2009 • Cameras

Loading photos onto computer

Unplug all other USB devices. Restart computer then plug it in solo.

Lost photos

Plug the camera to the computer. Go to where the images are and- go to Edit. Click on select all. Click on Copy. Now go find the Camera Icon- My Computer an extra Icon should have come up like a drive Click on open -right click in the folder - right click select paste. A word of warning It is possible that having got the images to the card - the camera will not recognize them This is because- depending on the software loaded the imaged will have been altered from EXIF[Camera type image] to JPEG[Computer type image] If this is so delete the images on the card and go online to and download PC-Inspector. Install the program on the computer Run it. Select the Camera with card in it and click on recover. Or simply click on camera and click on recover without back loading- except simply to prove a point.
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