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Posted on Apr 20, 2008
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ARCHIE Removal Just bought an open box laptop and it has ARCHIE installed. How do I uninstall the program so it will not reformat the computer everytime I reboot


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  • Posted on Jun 01, 2008
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Joined: Jun 01, 2008

I dont hav the origenal disk

  • Anonymous Jun 01, 2008

    how to uninstall archie



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  • Expert 63 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 21, 2008
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Joined: Apr 17, 2008

Go to the control panel..

choose add/remove program..

and remove the ARCHIE..

good luck


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  • 1 Answer
  • Posted on Jun 25, 2008


It should have been taken off at time of purchase.
Go to Best Buy Geek Squad with your receipt proving you bought it and they'll remove it (it should be for free, otherwise complain cause you should be notified by the salesperson that you need it removed).
Only best buy can remove it with their disks, if you try uninstalling it it'll reinstall itself.
Source: i work there.


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Magicjack problems

To uninstall your magicJack, please go to control panel and remove it from the list of currently installed programs.
Windows XP
  1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click Add or Remove Programs.
  2. In the Currently installed programs box, click magicJack, and then click Remove.
  3. If you are prompted to confirm the removal of the program, click Yes.
Windows Vista/Windows 7
  1. Click Start, click Control Panel, click Programs, and click Programs and Features.
  2. In the Currently installed programs box, select magicJack, and then click Uninstall.
  3. If you are prompted to confirm the removal of the program, click Yes.
To reinstall your magicJack, simply plug it back in and it will automatically reinstall.

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Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click on Programs or Programs and Feature. In the Currently installed programs box, click the program that you want to remove, and then click Uninstall. If you are prompted to confirm the removal of the program, click Yes.

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A good virus removal tool called ComboFix may help you. I've used this on several computers to wipe out virus problems and it's been great. This site has instructions on using ComboFix and links to download the tool.

Try this before reformatting your computer. Post a follow-up if you need more help.


Though Best Buy should of removed that for you, Sony has a hidden recovery partition that will restore everything to factory settings wiping your hard drive of anything you have now. When you boot up your computer press F12 to enter the recovery manager....If it's not F12 try F11, They are different for each manufacture.

Hope this helps.


As a BestBuy employee, I have had experience dealing with Archie. Sure, it limits the computer to an almost unusable state, but we're required to use it in order to protect our display units. BestBuy employees should be fully removing the software before you purchase it, but if they fail to do so properly, there is still hope.

Option 1: Take the unit back to BestBuy and have a Geek Squad agent remove it using an Archie disc.

Option 2: Take the unit back to BestBuy and have a Geek Squad agent fully restore your unit.

Option 3: Use the included recovery discs to restore your unit back to its factory settings. If, however, your specific model does not come with these discs included (HP, Sony, etc...), and you would rather not make another trip to BestBuy, please follow option 4.

Option 4: Create your own recovery discs and fully restore your unit. If you're running Vista, open your Start menu and type "rec" in the search box. Most models will come up with a Recovery Disc Creation program. It's important to have these discs anyway, so you might as well create them now and save yourself money in the future. Follow through with the restore afterward and you're set to go.

Sorry guys for the inconvenience. Believe me, we don't enjoy the software any more than you do.


A.R.C.H.I.E. is the demonstration software used on all Windows-based PCs sold at Best Buy that are used as demonstration units. The software is not designed to be installed on any PC other than those being used within the store.

Unfortunately, the removal of A.R.C.H.I.E. without the original disc (which is provided monthly to the stores from the corporate offices) is going to be nearly impossible. You have two solutions in this case:

1. Utilize the PC's recovery methods (most likely recovery partition, however you might have a model that came with recovery discs as well. The A.R.C.H.I.E. software prohibits most recovery disc creators from working properly). Note that for this method to work, you must be able to start the recovery process outside of Windows.
2. Bring the computer (along with its AC adaptor, if it is a laptop) to any Geek Squad precinct (any Best Buy store or standalone Geek Squad) for uninstallation of the A.R.C.H.I.E. software (without damage to the underlying operating system). This should be a free service as it is THEIR software running that requires removal for normal operation of the computer, and per company SOP should have been removed prior to sale. This is the preferred method, however you might not have access to a Geek Squad precinct and need it done before you will have access to a precinct again.

Disclaimer: Answerer is currently employed by The Geek Squad. The opinions and statements in this answer may not reflect the views held by Best Buy or The Geek Squad. Official communications from these companies may be obtained from or

ARCHIE Removal

It should have been taken off at time of purchase.
Go to Best Buy Geek Squad with your receipt proving you bought it and they'll remove it (it should be for free, otherwise complain cause you should be notified by the salesperson that you need it removed).
Only best buy can remove it with their disks, if you try uninstalling it it'll reinstall itself.
Source: i work there.

Symantec framework has encountered the problem

hey guys , have yall tried uninstalling and reinstalling?

for uninstalling, use the norton removal tool to securely rid your computer of everything of norton. here is the link for the removal tool.

after using the removal tool,

manually dlete excess temp files

start>run>%temp%> dlete everything here
start>run>temp> dlete evrything here
start>run>prefetch>dlete all

restart computer... then you can now install you norton.

post back what happens...


what are the exact specifications of your laptop? only then can i help you. come back to me with that.
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