Hitachi 50V500 50 in. HD-Ready LCD Television Logo

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Posted on Apr 20, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Blue screen I noticed a blue spot on the corner of the screen and now it has taken over the entire screen, I was wondering if you could please give some advice on how to fix this problem. Thank you for your time.

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  • Anonymous Apr 22, 2008

    I have several blue spots on my screen and the longer I watch TV the bigger they get

  • jaybird619 May 03, 2008

    Blue spots appearing along bottom of screen and seem to be "blue tinting" the picture above the spots.. sounds like the same problem with a light engine others are having. Second time this would have been replaced for the set.. any opinions or advice?

  • ldmiller Dec 24, 2008

    About 6 months ago we started to notice a blue spot on the lower right corner of the screen. Then last night the lamp went out so we replaced it. Since putting in the new lamp the blue spot has taken over the entire screen. Please help me fix this problem. This TV is not even 3 years old and so far I am not impressed.


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  • Posted on Apr 22, 2008
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You have a defective light engine and you do not have to be under warranty for Hitachi to replace this part. We just went through this and here's what you need to do. Call Hitachi's customer relations department at 800-654-7013 and tell them that you have a defective light engine. They will act like they've never heard of this problem but they have. They will give you the names of some certified dealers in your area to call. Once a tech comes out and confirms that it's the light engine, call Hitachi back and they will send a brand new light engine to the dealer and Hitachi will cover the cost of the part (cost $1500).

Here is the deal, if you're under warranty, Hitachi will cover the part and the install. If you're not under warranty, all you pay is the install. Our install cost $400. Others on this site have paid $200. Do not let anyone tell you that you have to pay for the light engine do not. Hitachi has not recalled this part but they are replacing it for free. Also, deal only with Hitachi customer realations number that I listed. Good Luck

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No picture just a blue screen with white over the blue ********* spots on corners of the screen

Bad controller board probably, other makes have this problem too.
If under warranty good, if not bad.
press the helpful button

Blue dot on screen really small but noticable if you know what your looking for wondering if its a problem with the projection or if its a quick fix

If it's a CRT projection TV, it could be a burned spot in the phosphor of the blue crt. If it is a burned spot, I don't beleive there's a fix.

I have a blue spot in the left corner of the

call up sony give them your m# with S#
some of this set are replamet for eng. but your eng is bad do you see in meuns?

I own a Canon power shot SD790 IS and I've been using wonderfully for the past few months Last weekend when I turned on my camera to view some pics I noticed a little blue screen on the corner of my camera...

It seems to be a dead pixel, best thing would be to have it replaced from the Seller, else you can get it replaced with a new working lcd panel. This may be an expensive solution.Check whether you have a worldwide warranty from Canon, that will help you on saving costs.

Bluing at bottom of picture.

take away if there was any speaker near the tv Unit. you need to demagnetize the screen using a magnet or demagnetizer.

I have a sony kf-42sx3oou, i have just had the lamp replaced, since replacing it a few blue spots appeared in the top right corner but today a yellow line has appeared on bottom left hand corner, could you...

This problem was probably there before, but you only noticed with the new "Brighter" bulb.

This TV will require replacement of the LCD Prism unit.

This Prism blocks and allows colors so that the 3 LCD images may be mixed to produce the final image you see on the screen. When this becomes damaged or defective, it leaks colors (light). This Color Leakage apears as spots on the screens.

Where you see the spots is where the specific spot on the prism that is leaking light, the specific color that is leaking also.

This parts cost alone is normally $500 to $1000 dollars but is usually replaced under warranty. If out of warranty, I suggest living with it or selling it if out of warranty. Turn down the Brightness and it will not be as noticeable. I am sure you only see this with bright white backgrounds and such

Good luck.....

Olevia 540-B11

damm i have the same issue except the left side of the screen is far darker than the right. It still works but is very noticable. If you get this resolved please reply back!

Blue dots and blue color

my sony is 4yrs also it has blue dots on the left side from top to bottom and a blue blob on rt. bottom corner no longer under warr. please send repair solution.
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