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Posted on Apr 20, 2008

Screen wont work

My Averatec 3200 will start and cd will pop in and out it all the lights seem to work,, but my screen is blank any solutions?

  • 1 more comment 
  • calanta May 27, 2008

    same problem, motor running, lights up, but bark screen, I even tried to bypass the screen with another monitor

  • ADHD Jun 04, 2008

    Same here with 6100a replaced memory didn't work. Tried with external monitor nothing. Cleared cmos and still nothing. I dont know what else to try

  • Anonymous Jul 18, 2008

    Our Averatec 3280's screen keeps going dark. If you look at an angle, you can still see the program running, but barely. Because my husband is an electronics engineer, we tried taking the screen off, cleaning the wires and putting it back together. It works for a few days then it "darks out" again. My husband thinks the connectors are corroding but although he cleans them it still is producing the same problem. What can be done???


2 Answers



Go into the BIOS setup and ensure that the selected opening device is HD and not the CD drive(defective). try this.


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  • Posted on Jun 14, 2008
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Joined: Jun 14, 2008

If cd pops in and out it is defective . This can stop unit from booting.


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Averatec 3200. left my computer on for a couple hours not really running anything except AIM and Windows Live when i came back the fan was running but the screen was blank. attempted to restart it, but it...

POST beeps are almost always indicative of RAM failures, so if you've already reseated it, the next step would be to try another memory module to see if the issue goes away. Keep in mind some notebooks have more than one RAM module as well (sometimes there's one under the keyboard and one on the underside of the unit)

Lost Installing CD cant install to windows XP my computer is averatec 3200 series

here they are , I could not find free cd:

Averatec 3200 XP Windows Driver Recovery CD Restore DiskThis is an automated 3200 XP drivers recovery cd. The 3200 drivers are supplied in a special windows friendly format. This means that your Averatec 3200 XP Laptop will automatically find and install all the drivers for your system, with hardly any user interaction. If you have installed a new windows operating system and half of your Laptop just wont work (with errors like no sound no internet or bad graphics) then this is exactly what this CD has been designed to fix repair. You can also use this CD Disk If you just need to return you.....lots more averatec 3200-series drivers information here.


Click on this link or copy and paste the complete link into your browser.

If I could be of further assistance, let me know. If this helps or solves the issue, please rate it and give a testimonial for my response.

Thanks, Joe

I’m happy to assist further over the phone at https://www.6ya.com/expert/joe_8b8c2cd6ce148309


Screen wont light up.

Try testing the system on with an external monitor if it displays then the screen LCD is faulty and need to be replace with a new one.then the best thing is to get the screen been change .

rate this solution..

My Averatec laptop's screen is going out and if

Seems to me the inverter is gone if you replace the inverter it will work like a charm

Th these PC Desktop problems? Averatec D1002UHCE-1 All-In-One Intel Desktop PC - Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4GHz, 2GB, 320GB, DVDRW Averatec D1002UHCE-1... I have an all in Solve I have an all in one...

Try to work through the steps in this article. or this article.
If that doesn't help, here's a workaround that seems to help in some cases:
"Yea I have the blank screen too for my averatec 3200, but there's an easy work around
for some reason it default goes to the monitor port instead of the screen
all you do is press function screen( Fn F5) twice and you can see again. Whenever you see the blank screen pop up just change."
You might also google 'blank screen at logon' and check for other options, such as here.
If you get windows up, try this:
Run chkdsk c: /f or /r according to these instrucitons & these. (you can also run this from the recovery console or cd).
This could be the result of a driver conflict or issue. Run windows update and check for graphics updates, or follow these instructions to update your graphics/video drivers.
There's also the possibility that the problem is malware related, in which case try to follow these instructions.

Averatec 3200 Series Laptop

Your operating system is corrupt. You need to reinstall the operating system.

Thanks and please take a moment to give this solution a rating of fixya, even if it's not what you wanted to hear. Thanks :c)


You will have to contact Averatec and get the cd rom that you need in order to restore it.

Processor issue? bios/motherboard?

First, Pull the hard drive. If the hard drive shorts out it can cause all sorts of problems. Generally it detects Hdd before mouse and keyboard.

Laptop wont play dvds

Click on start right mouse click on My Computer your in System control...go to hardware to device look at the CD or what Windows is emulating then trouble shoot the hardware.

Averatec 3200 Dark screen

try connecting an external monitor. i suspect your monitor screen's back-light to be expired
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