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Posted on Apr 20, 2008
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Screen resolution to execute digital camera solution disk is not sufficient

I just got a new camera,Canon A720 IS & disk will not run. Help!!

  • BBSimms May 21, 2008

    When attempting to upload my Digital camera solution disk, I get a error message of Screen Resolution to execute digital camera solution disk is not sufficient. What can I do?

  • Anonymous Jun 06, 2008

    I got canon powershot A720 IS. There was no problem in installin the
    software. But the softwares are not working. When i click camera
    window, nothing pops out.I have re-installed the applications more than
    3 times but couldn't resolve. So, can you please help me in solving
    this problem.


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  • Posted on May 30, 2008
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Go to start/control panel/display/settings/adjust your screen resolution to high and then install.

Once installed, change your screen resolution back as low or high as you wish.

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I purchased a new laptop and it will not read the canon a570is disk. it gives me an error stating "the screen resolution to execute digital camera solution disk is not sufficient." help

No need to attention for it,just go on ,I have happen to this problem like this for several model of cameras,but it is just a OS mislead error sometime.By the way,confirm your battery for Canon PowerShot A570 IS is installed.

While trying to install Canon Camera software, I'm getting a message that says ''screen resolution to execute digital camera solution disk is not sufficient.

Select the "Start" menu in the lower left corner of your computer monitor screen. Select "Control Panel", then double-click on "Display".

Click on the upper "Settings" tab, then move the slider bar to the right, to at least 1024 x 768 pixel. Then hit Apply or OK. This will increase the screen resolution of your computer monitor so that it will be compatible with the Canon software.

Intalling camera software.

Greetings Shayy,

Generally screen resolution refers to your computers resolution which is controlled via the control panel of your computer. I would try fiddling with other screen resolutions to see if this helps. This will cause items on your computer to either be larger or smaller than you are used to, but you might find you like it better.

You would go to control panel>display>settings, to adjust this.

I hope this helps.

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Screen resolution not sufficient to install ver.30.0 software.

I had the same issue with my Netbook. In order to get the software onto my netbook I had to use an external monitor. I set up my HD monitor as the main monitor through the graphics driver. I set the main monitor from notebook to monitor. Then I installed the package and set the main screen back to notebook. I can use the EOS Utility which allows my to download my raw images and remotely control my camera, but I cannot run DPP. I hope this is of help

Can't install the solution disk

Click on "Start" lower left corner of your screen, and select "Control Panel". Then double click the "Display" icon. Then click on the "Settings" tab.

Slide the screen resolution slider bar 1 click to the right to select 1024 x 768 resolution. Then click OK. You should be able to install it now.

Canon powershot sd850 is digital elph


No, it means the screen resolution for your computer. These days most computers should have their resolution to 1024x768. If you don't know how to change it ask somebody who knows a little about computers to help, its not a problem with your camera.


Can't install the solution disk

Change your compuetr's display resolution to a better performance. Click with the right mouse button on your computer screen. - The Display properties window will open - Click with the left button on the Setting tab. - Change screen resultion as required - Press "apply" Check whether the new setting solve your problem. Good luck!
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