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Posted on Apr 19, 2008

Vista not compatible with rhapsody.

I am trying to use my rhapsody digital music store card to download music to my new mp3 player. keep getting error message saying that vista is not compatible with rhapsody. Any suggestions?

  • Anonymous Apr 20, 2008

    We can not download music on our Sansa e200 , we bought music from itunes but we can't get it on


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  • Posted on Apr 26, 2008
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Joined: Apr 26, 2008

I use Rhapsody with Vista. You need to go to Rhapsody's website (or Best Buy Digital Music Store, which runs the same software) and download the updated version, which will work just fine.

Purchased music from iTunes can be put on Sansa players as well when you set-up Rhapsody to manage your music. Have the program detect your music library and then all you have to do is drag and drop to your MP3 player.

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Related Questions:


Free Rhapsody downloads?

Yes you do. There is a way around the problem of having to maintain your subscription, but it gets expensive - if you buy an mp3 file from the Rhapsody Mp3 Store, it will give you the file in mp3 format, which will always work even after you let your subscription lapse. More expensive, but ultimately longer lasting.

Downloading tracks from rhapsody

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Digital Music Store

Hi Shelly62,

For problems with Best Buy™ digital music store downloads you should contact Rhapsody. Their tech support is available weekdays from 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM Pacific Time and weekends from 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM Pacific time.

The tech support number is 1-866-401-7314.

Best Regards,
“Go Ahead. Use Us.”

NEED HELP!!! Rhapsody Software Download Problem

Okay...MacAffee is causing problems with your connection and with the download/update. You will need to right click on the MacAffee icon in the system tray (bottom right of the screen) and open the program to turn it off (or just quit the program). Also make sure your firewall is down when doing this.

Re-install BBDMS (aka Rhapsody), and allow the update to happen. Once this is complete (assuming that MacAffee is the only anti-virus software running) launch the program, connect your MP3 player, and "authorize" the player on your computer.

This should take care of the problem.

I would also recomend a different anti-virus and firewall program. AVG isn't as invasive, and PCTools firewall will allow you to configure what programs are allowed to use the internet.

NEED HELP!!! Rhapsody Software Download Problem

Open McAfee -go To Settings - Firewall -disable

Mp3 media converter disk

Double-check Sansa's website to see if they have a Vista-compat version of the software. If they do not, this is going to be a major issue, because you have to resync with Rhapsody every 30 days.

Can't download songs

I don't really know how Rhapsody works - do you have to download strait from the site to player, or do you save the files to your hard drive in between. If you have them as individual mp3 or wav files on your hard drive try using a different media player.

I did read in the installation guide for my ma566 that its not compatible with downloads "purchased from" itunes. Maybe its the same thing with Rhapsody?

Re: the xp vs win98 - on a phone call to Nextar tech support, I was told that if you have XP you don't need to use the driver disk but you might need to help the computer search online for updated drivers. I'm not sure if your saying your issue is that your COMPUTER is acutally 98 when it was "supposed to be" Xp, or if you are trying to use the 98 driver disk on xp and its not working.

Did your computer ever even recognize that the mp3 player existed? Or are you getting a specific error message?

Error Message

You have to synchronize your Sansa to a computer that has a current subscription to Rhapsody, and you have to sync the Sansa to that same computer at least once every 30 days, or the Rhapsody songs will stop working. Use a different music service that is free, or convert all of the songs to Mp3 format to get around the problem. If you get a subscription to another music svc, then you must maintain a current subscription with whatever new svc you choose as well.

Need file transfer Software!!!???

You do not need any specific software to transfer music. You can Drag and Drop files thru Windows XP or Vista, or use Windows Media Player 10 or higher, Rhapsody, or several other music management programs.

The only software on the CD was Rhapsody, or the Best Buy Digital Media Store. Both of which are on the internet.


Best of Luck.
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