Acer Aspire 5500 5570-2609 Laptop Logo

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Posted on Apr 19, 2008
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Regarding the Dvd Writer Problem

My Model no. is Acer Aspire 5050 and ya it has dvd and cd reader and writer both , it used to write the dvds few months back and since then it has started creating problem , its not able to write dvds anymore but can still write cds and nothing specific of company of dvds but it was able to write dvds but now its not.

So can you give me some solution what should i do so that it gets done and its working fine without taking it to the Dealers.
Thanks for your reply and hoping to get the solution.

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  • Posted on Apr 30, 2008
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Joined: Apr 30, 2008

Have you installed any sort of APATI drivers??? also have you performed a system restore of the DVD drivers? go to Start ---- programs ---- Acer Empowering Technology and click restore and reinstall the application/driver for the dvd drive.

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Can I use this device connected to my Acer Aspire R14 (which does not have a dvd slot), to play dvds?

Yes the drive runs on usb .I did not use there install software .I used VLC player (free ware) because im using windows 8.1. hope this helps.

DVD RW but not reading DVDs and reads CD

The problem unfortunately will be with the dvd writer dvd laser not functioning or dirty try cleanng the laser with some glass cleaner or cd cleaning packs if the same the dvd drive is faulty and needs replacing

My lg dvd writer could not read all dvds (it reads some cds and dvds). What may i do?

This may be caused by bad media, or incompatible formats. There are a variety of media formats for CDs and DVDs. Your reader may not read them all. What model are you running, and what type of media (DVD-R, DVD+R, etc) are you using?


DVDs Cant be written

There might be a driver problem or motherboard problem just update your drivers!

How do I format a dvd-rw on an acer aspire 3680 laptop.

Are you sure you have a DVD writer and not just a DVD reader, CD writer?

Cannot backup files to a cd/dvd

we may need more details but you can try this for now

1. are you sure you have a cd writer or a dvd writer (writer = burner)--- check the front edge of your cd/dvd unit and look for words like "writer" "burner" or writeable next to the word dvd or compact disc... keep in mind not all cd/dvd writer can write (burn) cd or dvds, some may burn cd but not dvds.

2. is your cd/dvd unit compatible with the media (cd or dvd blank disk) you are trying to use.. depending your cd/dvd especifications your dvd/cd drive is compatible with certain types of cd or dvds that are writeable.

3. is the cd/dvd a writeable cd/dvd and is compatible with your cd/dvd drive? for instance.. if you are using a blank dvd and your cd/dvd drive only burn cd/s and read dvd and cd you won't be able to write to the blank dvd.

4. are you trying to burn a dvd in a corporate computer.?? as a user (not an administrator) of your corporate computer you may not have priviledges that will allow them to burn dvd/cd's even you your drive and your media are compatible.

please post
the error that you get
the brand and model of the computer you're using
the type of media you're using

Regarding the Dvd Writer Problem--Urgent

Ok.I got your point.Now I want you to try this first
1.Go up to device Manager
2.Under CDROM/DVD remove your DVD(Uninstall it)
3.Restart your Windows
4.after login your windows,wait for a minute,Windows should be able to detect your DVD back
5.Check your DVD in Device Manager again that its been detected back
6.Now try your DVD again.

Facing problem with my dvd writer

Can I have more detail like the model of your laptop. I really wanted to check that it is a DVD writer or not.Second it can be that that it doesn't support the type of DVD+R or DVD-R you're trying to use.But first check out that your model support writting to DVD or not.

CD/DVD writer cannot burn CD or DVD

can you specify the status before and now? if your DVD/CD ROM still reading?

Samsung DVD writer TS-H492C not writing DVDs but is able to write CDs and read both DVDs and Cds

Comment by jetty376, posted on Jan 28, 2008 my samsung dvd writer is not able to write dvds but is able to read dvds and write dvds

What are you saying? It able or not able to write the DVDs
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