Error 2,177,0
Plz send me driver of canon scanner 5000f
Are there any other words along with the error?
Make sure the scanner is unlocked.
Does the scanner make any noise when you attempt to scan?
If possible, try the scanner on another computer.
Was the scanner working before?
What OS are you using?
Download the delete driver application and uninstall the drivers. Also, download the most current drivers and reinstall. You should also download and install the most current version of Toolbox.
SOURCE: Canon CanoScan 5000F Flatbed.
Make sure the scanner is unlocked. Lock switch is either on the bottom, or under the scanner lid near the hinges.
SOURCE: Canon CanoScan 5000F Flatbed Scanner
Click on the link below to download the software, drivers, and owners manual for the Canon CanoScan 5000F Scanner:
Usually answered in minutes!
Just need some assistance in know what the error is and how to correct it.
2,177,0 code . I have installed the 5000f on my vista machine and I get this code when doing advanced film scanning. It works ok automatic. Installed the vista drivers. Any ideas?
I have the same problem with Canon scanner 5000 F. In control panel/scanners and cameras, scanner pass the test but in application when I try to scan something i receive message:
Scanner driver will be closed. See your instruction manual. Error code: 2,177,0. What is the problem. I have last driver.