Microsoft Xbox 360 Console Logo
Posted on Apr 18, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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My 360 is it broke?

I bought my 360 from a friend and it was working fine for the first 2 months and out of nowhere on day i turned it on and there was no vision only sound? i dont know what happen to it, i took it to a friend and he fixed it he said something bout it was on the wrong tv source? he told me that when turning on the 360 to hold down the yellow and right trigger and thats how he got it too work, but its not working for me, can anyone please help me out?

1 Answer

Amit Bhasin

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  • Expert 47 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 18, 2008
Amit Bhasin
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Joined: Mar 16, 2008

Just check the av cable you are connecting the console with the tv and check tv settings for the same. i dont think you need to hold any buttons its just a cable problem what is sounds to me.. change the cable if tv is working fine or just check the connections at your friends place and make a note of that and to the same thing at your place with the same connections..

tell me if this works !!

Have a nuce day !!

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i had this problem but then i realised it was completely to do with te way i had hoked it to the tele

if you get the main power suply and turn i round by the wire 3-7 times will on a game it will work perfectly
hope that this helps

X Box 360

This exact thing is happening to not only me but to also a friend of mine. You will probably notice that the fan kicks on really high and then goes to 2 flashing red lights, this is because the 360 is overheating or thinks its overheating. My friend's 360 starts up with the fan kicked on high and then only plays for a minute or 2, followed by the 2 red lights. If its under warranty send it back to Microsoft, I took mine and my friends 360 apart and replaced the thermal paste with arctic silver, but it kind of only helped a little for mine and not at all for my friends. SEND IT BACK!!!!!!

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i hate to be the one to say but yes it could have. i had my FIRST 360 for 2 months before i had to exchange for a new one. hard drive problems. one i would suggest seeing if you could exchange it where you bought it at and then invest in an intercooler fan for the back of it. that is an inexpensive way to protect your investment from the heat that kills them.

Xbox 360 no video

Warrenty issue. Contact Microsoft to get this fixed. There a lot others having the same problem. do not take it apart. This will void the warrenty.
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