Brother HL-5240 Laser Printer Logo
Posted on Apr 18, 2008

Black Lines My printer started printing and has 3 -4 thick black lines running down the paper. It isn't even readable. I thought maybe I should change the ink cartridge and I did but it didn't help. Does this mean it is time for a drum replacement? Thanks.

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You need to change drum


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Yes always the case unless there is correction fluid on the document feeder lens strip. :>D

My HL2040 printer is printing black vertical lines along the right-hand side of the page, about 3" or so. A month ago I took it apart and cleaned the roller. Still doing it.

If the lines go all the way down the page, check the position of the corona wire cleaner tab (blue or green) at the top front of the drum unit. if not parked fully to one side it will create a solid black lines where it blocks the laser. Otherwise look for some other foreign object (or torn paper piece) that may be blocking the laser from the drum. If the lines are thin and shark, check for scratches on the drum (not repairable without replacing drum). If the lines are uneven thickness but in a pattern that repeats down the page every few inches, then the film on the drum is probably worn or wearing away and the drum needs to be replaced.

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Clean the nozzles, align the print heads, turn it off for about an hour. You may need to do this twice, but it works for me.

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If the line runs the way that the paper does I.E. vertical on a portrait then it is dirty rollers normally.
If you open the lid and wipe the rollers this shoukd reduce or eliminate the black lines.


Black lines on paper

The problem is either with your black toner cartridge or the drum. Try changing the black cartridge first, and if this doesnt work then you will need a new drum

Printer prints white thick blank lines

1- black lines are from the drum: it has burnt out on that particular spot and rotates

2- the white horizontal gap space if it is not you skipping space is also from the drum

3-the white Vertical is most likely from the developper (unit that has the toner and is against the drum, look at the roller it should be solid black, maybe there is something on it : hair paper etc....

Colour lines across the page

Hey Paul, Can you post a scan of the printed paper? It may help diagnose your problem. The most common cause of lines accross the page is either the PhotoConductor Unit or the 2ND BTR Assy.
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