Xbox 360 red lights or Xbox 360 red ring of
death error is very infamous among all Xbox gamers. About 33% of all
console owners experienced this error. So if you are now seeing three
flashing red light near the power button of your console,
congratulations, you "improved" the statistics.
At a first glance the problem might have seemed very frustrating but
this is not really so. There are two possible solutions to this problem.
The first one is to send your console to the Certified Microsoft
Service Center and if your warranty is OK you will receive your console
back in 2 months. Yes, it's not a joke, the repair process will take two
months. Alternatively, you can repair it yourself. To do it you will
need to get
Xbox 360 Red
Lights Repair Guide. This guide illustrates how to fix red lights
problem at home within 1 hour.
Don't be afraid, the guide won't require any technicak knowledge or
skills from you. Just follow the steps and get your console repaired.