Canopus ADVC-110 A/D Converter (77010150105) Video Capture Logo
Posted on Apr 17, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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PAL Problem and ADVC110

I have a camera that outputs PAL-B format. I can read the camera with my PC using a Plextor TV-402U withouth any issues other than some frame rate issues that I am hopping to solve by using the ADVC110. However, the issue I have with the ADVC110 is that the PAL is, for lack of a bettery phrase, jittery. I see the vertical lines "jitter, and repeat. I do that have the problem with the Plextor and the Plextor is set to PAL-B format. I also have tired teh ADVC110 with the same camera in NTSC mode and it works fine, it is just the camera does not do as well in NTSC mode vs. PAL. Any ideas why this may be happening with this video capture box. I have seen the issue with Windows Movice Maker, ULead Video Stuideo, and even the bundled Neo software from Canopus.



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Brandon Higa

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  • Expert 119 Answers
  • Posted on Aug 11, 2008
Brandon Higa
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Joined: Apr 05, 2008

It's difficult to tell what's really going on by looking at the PC monitor. You should generate a DV file and play it back through the ADVC to a TV and see.

The issue is interlacing. Since the two fields of interlaced video are originated at different points in time, when you play both fields on a non-interlaced display like a PC monitor, you see the two combined and they don't match up. So you get half of a ball before the line, and half of the ball after the line and it looks funny.

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