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Posted on Apr 17, 2008
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I have a Xerox Phaser 8500n. My problem is on warmup it gives me a 07,10.43:34243 error code. can you give me a direction to look to try and fix this unit.

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  • Posted on Apr 17, 2008
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That is a common problem with that printer.
I will give you a rundown of what is the likely cause, about 99 percent sure of one of these things. What is happening is the print head is unable to pivot properly from the home position to print position.

1. The print head block is dirty, most likely problem. if you remove the left side cover, looking from the front of the machine.
About mid way back and toward the bottom of the frame, you will see a stainless steel block about 1 inch square. It has a spring assembly holding it in place. That block most likely is contaminated with some of the solid ink. You can just pull back and to the left to move the spring assemly out of the way and latch it to the frame. Then, you may need a pair of channel lock pliers to slip the block out and clean it and the print head shaft well. Soak the print block in some hot water to soften it a bit and make is easier to clean. Rememer it is HOT water.....
Then once those are clean, reassemble the printer.
2. The print head wiper assembly may be tacked to the print head between the print head and the drum. That will occur if the printer is not shut down properly or there was a power failure. You have to remove both the right and left hand covers, and the ink loader on top, the assembly where you load the sticks.It is just held in with a couple of tabs and 2 connectors. You will see the print head and drum once that is removes and look for the pink blade assembly tacked to the print head, gently remove it from the print head then run the procedures for removing light stripes and the one for removing smears.
3. The print head cables. They can move out of position and get caught on tabs in the printer. That would require removing the same items as if you were looking for a stuck blade. The 2 harnes and ribbon cables connect to the back of the print head, make sure they move freely and are not obstructed.
There is one other more obsecure problem with that, that is very unlikely you have, I have read it in a tip but never seen it.
One of those 3 things should resolve that code.

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:I have a Xerox Phaser 8500 with the following error: 13.323.47:31989. Any ideas what this is?

This fault code is saying that the printhead reservoir thermistor circuit is open. Unfortunately, only a printhead replacement will solve this problem.

Fault 37, 008.44:197329

There is a problem with the power up of the printer. For 37,00x.xx error codes you can try power off the printer, wait 30 seconds and power it back on. According to the Xerox support website for 37,008:44 error code you should Verify the Printer's power source and isolate the printer.

Xerox Phaser 8500N Printer Error 09,037.45:9085

Hi Signrite: This should help out. It looks like you are having a problem with yellow.If you are using a third party ink (non Xerox) then you may be having a printhead.

9,035.4x through 9, 038:
Fault codes associated when ink count flags are stuck
after melting 2.5 ink sticks. The following codes are recorded: 9,03x.41, where x= 5
for cyan, 6 for magenta, 7 for yellow, and 8 for black.
Troubleshooting Procedure
Step Questions and Actions Yes No
1 1.
Are the ink sticks all Xerox ink? Go to
Step 2.
customer. Run
test to clear the
2 1. Manually verify that the ink stick is able to
advance in the ink loader chute.
Go to
Step 3.
Remove any
blockage and/
or replace the
ink stick.Run
test to clear the
3 1. Run the appropriate Ink Melt [1, 2, 3, 4]
1 = Yellow
2 = Cyan
3 = Magenta
4 = Black
2. Did the test pass?
Replace the ink
assembly. Run
test to clear the

Xerox Phaser 8500N Printer Error 09,037.45:9085

You have to go into Diagnostics. Once in Diagnostics arrow down to function menu.
Then select
Then arrow down to ClearISCfaults hit OK
follow instructions on screen.

Xerox 8500n with error 13323.47:23971

13,323 is a Printhead Reservoir Temperature Faults . One of 3 things. In order of likeliness.
1. Print head has failed
2. Cable to the back of the print head is loose.
3. Electronics module has failed..

What that code means is that once the ink melts and flowes into the print head, the print head is not maintaining the proper temperature.

Error code 09,036.44:10394

09,03x 35 = Cyan 36 = Magenta 37 = Yellow 38 = Black The error indicates an ink stick was jammed. You have to clear the ISC (ink stick count) error. Turn off the printer. Turn on the printer. As soon as you see XEROX start moving across the display hold down the back and help buttons until you see "beginning service mode" on the display. Release the buttons, it will now come up in the service mode. Scroll down to the function menu, hit ok, scoll to clear isc faault, hit ok. Hit the back button to get back to the first menu then exit diagnostics, hit ok when it asks if you want to restart in customer mode.

Xerox Phaser 8200 error code 15004.45:25393

Yep. The drum heaters are burnt out.
There are 2,,, 150 watt Halogen lamps that heat the drum.
The way to see if they are working or not is to turn off the lights in the office or room the printer is in. Turn the machine on and look through the fan slots on the right side of the machine. GIve it a minute or two and you should see lamps glowing inside, ( I seriously doubt you will see them comming on).
That is a very common problem, You can purchase those lamps at Lowes, Home Depot or anywhere you can purchase halogen lamps. They cost about 12 dollars for a good pair.
Replace both .. If you want to try and do it yourself. Let me know I will send you directions.

Xerox Phaser 8500N Printer Error

That is a yellow ink stick fault.
One is most likely stuck. cracked or otherwise not advance to the front of the ink loader. Check the sticks


Xerox Phaser 8500N front control panel LCD died

Want to resolve your printer issues online then, dial Xerox Printer Support Phone Number1866-877-0191 anytime as you like. For further Info Click:


Phaser 8500N color problem

There is a process called TEKCOLOR correction.
It is on the site.
Search for phaser 8500 under the support, in support in the search area enter.
Solutions for Colors are Off or Wrong

This will take you through the process in the correct steps to resolve your issue
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