Instructions for use acer aspire5050-5430 notebook orbicam
These are the text-only instructions:
Launching the Acer OrbiCam
To launch the Acer OrbiCam, double-click on the Acer OrbiCam logo in the
Click Start > All Programs > Acer > Acer OrbiCam. The Acer OrbiCam capture
window appears.
Changing the Acer OrbiCam settings
To change the capture resolution, click the displayed resolution at the bottom
right corner of the capture window, then select the desired resolution.
Note: Setting the camera resolution to 640 x 480 or larger does
not change the capture window size.
Click Options to display the Window, Preview, and Folder tabs. Use the options
to change the capture window size, preview settings, and the folder for
captured photos or videos.
Camera Settings
Basic settings
Click the Camera Settings icon on the bottom right corner of the capture
display, then select Camera Settings from the pop-up menu. You can adjust the
Video, Audio, and Zoom/Face tracking options from this window.
Capture settings
From the Camera Settings window, click the Driver Settings button. The
Properties window appears.
Device Settings allows you to change the camera brightness, contrast, hue,
saturation, sharpness, etc.
Advanced Settings allows you to activate gain control, implement image mirror,
select image enhancements and anti-flicker settings, and turn on/off the camera
Zoom/Face Track Settings allows you to adjust the zoom level and turn the
face-tracking feature on or off.
Capturing photos/videos
To capture a photo or a video clip, rotate the Acer OrbiCam to get the desired
angle, then click the Take a Picture or Record a Video button. The Windows
Picture and Fax Viewer or the Windows Media Player automatically launches to
display/play a preview of the photo/video clip.
Note: By default, all photos and videos are saved in the My
Pictures and My Videos folder.
Using the Acer OrbiCam as webcam
The Acer OrbiCam is automatically selected as the capture device of any Instant
Messenger (IM) application. To use the Acer OrbiCam as a webcam, open the IM
service, then select the video/webcam feature. You can now broadcast from
your location to an IM partner anywhere in the world.