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Posted on Apr 16, 2008

Need to know what kind of cord i need

I want to use my hard drive from my old gateway desktop for information. i'm hoping to be able to connect that tower to my compaq presario laptop, but i don't know what kind of interface i need.

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  • Contributor 60 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 17, 2008
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I am assuming that your old desktop has an EIDE hard disk. In order to use it on your laptop, you may buy a USB 2.0 enclosure for EIDE hard disk. This will allow you to connect your old HD in your USB port, just like a USB thumb drive.

There are a lot of models on the market. It usualy costs around 40$, but you may find a good one for less.

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We need to know your motherboard model number or the gateway pc model number in order to give you the best possibly choices.

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Test your PSU or replace it if your power supply units fan is not working your PSU is faulty

One bad lead can cause a computer to continue on a cycle or to shutdown or fail to detect/ boot up

Test all leads that attach to your hard drive including electrical extensions,IDE,SATA

the leads from your motherboard to your hard drive make sure they have a secure connection and are not faulty or just replace them there probably old and faulty

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hope this helps


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One bad lead can cause a computer to continue on a cycle or to shutdown or fail to detect your hard drive

Test all leads that attach to your hard drive including electrical extensions,IDE,SATA

the leads from your motherboard to your hard drive make sure they have a secure connection and are not faulty or just replace them there probably old and faulty

hope this helps


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Test your PSU or replace it

One bad lead can cause a computer to continue on a cycle or to shutdown

Test all leads that attach to your hard drive including electrical extensions,IDE,SATA

the leads from your motherboard to your hard drive make sure they have a secure connection and are not faulty or just replace them there probably old and faulty

hope this helps


How to Install hard drive for gateway E 4300

rachellem775, before you install the hard drive into your computer.. you need to check the setting on the hard drive that you're going to install.. on the hard drive itself it has a sticker with the settings, you need to make the 2nd hard drive that you're going to install as a SLAVE drive.. you can check that on the sticker.. after that, you can connect the cables to the hard drive next to the main hard drive.. that would make the old hard drive as the main drive and your new harddrive as the slave drive.. you can interchange the settings, check the sticker on your hard drive.. all hard drive have that setting information..

I have a Gateway computer that is 10 years old. I

1- you have to change your power supply and you have to change your hard drive to one biger than you have but it must be IDE.

Case for gateway 310s series

Hey jbulldogst,

According to information provided by the manufacturer, the Gateway 310S (2900621) uses a 4-bay micro tower.

If you'd like any additional information on the original factory specifications, I've provided a link to Gateway's support page below:

Hope this helps you out.

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My new WD SATA hard drive does not have a 4-pin connector

Hi nas2,

You can purchas a SATA power cord addapter that can assist you. The cord is called SATA Serial ATA Power Cable. Unfortunetly, Best Buy™ does not carry these cables. You can however google the cord and order it online for cheap.


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