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Posted on Apr 16, 2008

Error message when trying to send pictures

Whenever I try to send a picture, I get error

"There was an error trying to register your phone (256)"

Everything else is working fine! I just cannot register my picture video account.
Thanks In Advance

i have been sent pics on my cell phone but i cant accept them bcuz i have to have a picture account, so when i try registering my account to get the pics it says enter in a password. i do that but then it says error (256) on my phone..

  • Anonymous Apr 30, 2008

    "There was an error trying to register your phone. (256)"
    I get this all the time.

  • Juanita Lidster
    Juanita Lidster May 13, 2008

    It says error (256) when I trty to send a pic message


1 Answer



Error 256 is when youve tried too many times with the same p/w.. call in to TECHS and have them reset the account and give you the proper p/w...

i dont do this for a living.... whatchu talkin bout?

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That usually occurs when your internet is not turned on. If you do not see that your 3G is turned on when you are trying to send a picture, you will get this error message. Go to your wireless settings and double check that your mobile network is turned on. If it is, you might need to update your profile (also under settings).

-ex Sprint rep

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Try this website, it will send the correct setting to your phone.

Please give good rating, it is very important to me...

Picture sending

sometimes you have to send a picture to your own phone for it to work properly,i know it sounds daft but i had to do it with mine and it has worked properly ever since,might not work but it is worth a try,hope this works for you

Error message when trying to send pictures

Are you with ATT? I got notified Yesterday by ATT that they are having Widespread Multimedia Problems at this Time. Should be fixed by Next Week.

Picture Messaging on Lg Rumor Password?

you have to call tech suport and get a password and when i called i was on virgin and they told me it cots 50 cents a pic so i told them not to bother

Lg rumor white

You have to call sprint, theres an option to turn your internet access on or off, I just had to do it myself.

Send pictures from LG RUMOR

OKay I had the same problem everytime I tried to send a picture apparently my queue was full and I had to erase the pics from my pending folder. I had no idea where my pending folder was. Well all you have to do is go to pictures and go to picture mail. When you get to that you see

*sent mail
*saved mail

under that is the pending messages.

Error message when trying to send pictures

Me and my friend both hacve an LG rumor, and it's doing the same thing

Error message when trying to send pictures

i work at a cell phone support group called ict, we get this problem all the time with the lg phones. the problem is with the carrier select in the programming. have your phone will need to contact your service provider for you lock code, but you can usually get into the programming screen by dialing ##program# or ##data# from the main screen of the phone (you do not need to dial this number or hit ok once putting in the last #, it will automatically pop up if you are doing the right code. again, you will need your lock code from your service provider/carrier. once you have that go into the programming and go to carrier, high lite which ever carrier you are with, hit ok and the phone will shut itself off, turn itself back on and you should be able to send your picture without further problems..

...if it then asks you for a pass, call your service provider, they also need to give that to you and if it says error 256 after that, then call your service provider because the url needs to be changed...
hope this long winded post helps you guys.
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