I have a few ideas but they all will require some more information from you. I know these sets very well-if you fixed the convergence problem my hat is off to you--it can be a do it yourself job but not the most easy set to do it on.
Let me assume you adjusted the convergence in the customer mode--it does on any of the HD models have to be adjusted in the regular and then the HD modes.
The only other thing here that may be the problem is FOCUS. A simple way to determine this is to remove the back cover--turn the set on and call up the advanced convergence grid---then cover the lens for each tube one at a time--with red and blue lens covered are the lines in sharp focus or look blurry?
Repeat this with only red or blue not covered and see what you think--if one of the tubes is out of focus you will see it there--
There is also a TECH menu for adjusting the convergence-like the customer menu but it saves the adjustments into the set's memory--you will need to hit menu and a four digit code based on the actual model number of the set.
Check to see if focus is or is not your problem-easy to tell--green, red, blue lines will either be sharp or out of focus--if out ask and I will tell you the simple way to adjust that.
If this information has helped you rate this solution as I do this here for free.