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Posted on Apr 15, 2008
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I have a sharp tv model# 36us60

The blue comes in on my tv screen at all times,and it is blurry, i cannott adjust it out no matter what. how do i solve this problem?

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  • Posted on Apr 16, 2008
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Its a technical issue ,probably you need to replace the IC chroma chip (hoping its a recent model make) its a chip with lots of pin 8 to 16 or more ,hope that helps.

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it is very easy you just need a very small straight edge screwdriver

you should try to adjust sharpness setting with on screen adjustment first

if tv is too old tube might be going "soft" and sharp focus might not be able to be fully achieved anymore

good luck

Mitsubishi WS-65611 Repair kit from no fix.....

I have a few ideas but they all will require some more information from you. I know these sets very well-if you fixed the convergence problem my hat is off to you--it can be a do it yourself job but not the most easy set to do it on.

Let me assume you adjusted the convergence in the customer mode--it does on any of the HD models have to be adjusted in the regular and then the HD modes.

The only other thing here that may be the problem is FOCUS. A simple way to determine this is to remove the back cover--turn the set on and call up the advanced convergence grid---then cover the lens for each tube one at a time--with red and blue lens covered are the lines in sharp focus or look blurry?

Repeat this with only red or blue not covered and see what you think--if one of the tubes is out of focus you will see it there--

There is also a TECH menu for adjusting the convergence-like the customer menu but it saves the adjustments into the set's memory--you will need to hit menu and a four digit code based on the actual model number of the set.

Check to see if focus is or is not your problem-easy to tell--green, red, blue lines will either be sharp or out of focus--if out ask and I will tell you the simple way to adjust that.

If this information has helped you rate this solution as I do this here for free.



Tv is alittle blurry, its hard to read words

when its hard to read words its usually the sharpness which make the t.v.'s look either blurry or sharp or right in between. you can fix this by adjusting it thru your tv's menu either on the tv or your remote, look under the picture tab in the menu and there should be a sharpness adjuster there. adjust as needed

Blue color

On front bottom panel remove behind it will be your focus/screen block cobtrol adjust Blue screen drive and focus also how to enter service mode for convergence with set off PRESS and hold at same time ch-&vol- untill set comes back on release you should now be in service mode for convergence.

Projection tv is Blurry and offset

You have a focus and screen control box it has 3 controls on top 3on bottom these are the controls for Red-Green-Blue screen drives and for focus to each tube. IT should have Focus /Screen on it.

The picture is blurry. does anyone have a solution to this or has anyone had a similar problem.

I have a blurry screen and the top of it the picture is curved a bit. I was told to adjust the focus knob but I don't know where that is in the back of the TV. I took off the back and couldn't find it. I also tried to adjust the manual convergence and the red would not adjust only the blue would align. Any suggestions.

Samsung Rear Projection Problem (not convergence)

The tv has 2 focus adjustments for each tube, mechanical and electrical.

1. Mechanical focus is set by looking at screen from back (through inspection plate on back of most samsungs) and rotating the lens assembly on CRT. loosen wing nut and turn lens assembly to go through focus and back to best position.

Put convergence pattern on screen and manually misadjust bottom red and green lines convergence so they can be seen through inspection hole.

With back cover of TV off you can usually reach your hand up beside the lens assembly to loosen the wing nut then rotate to adjust. Green is in the middle. The focus will be obvious when you rotate and look

When you are finished make sure the foam dust protector is not over any of the lens assemblies and the wing nut is tight.

2. Electrical focus - located at front of unit. the front grille/speaker cover is removed and maybe a cover over the front crt inspection hole.

In the inspection hole there is a black plastic "Focus/screen adjust Assembly" with 2 rows of 3 controls.

One row is focus and the other is screen. The middle controls are for green with R/B on either side. Usually the controls are labelled as "focus" and "screen". You want to adjust the focus controls, one for each color. Look for the focus or screen label imprinted in the plastic. Don't play with the screen settings.

With the same misadjusted convergence pattern you can see a red, blue and green line. Adjust green focus and watch green line for best focus. Do same for other 2.

Screen adjustments are very exact and delicate. The easiest way to deal with them is to turn color off in Customer adjust menu. Put any color tone adjustments in the middle (low, med, high, put at med).

You should have a b/w picture if there are no crt or other color related faults. If it is close to B/W leave screens alone.

If the pix is too green, then the green screen setting must be reduced a small amount. Do not play with these adjustments as most TV repairrers have a difficult time adjusting them.

If focus adjustments don't help then focus control or CRT may be defective. Needs expert to determine.



Blurry screen KP61hs10

Yes, Convergence settings should be tried first before any color adjustment or any fluid changes are done. Remember that there are 3 colors to notice. Red, Green, Blue. The Green is the only one that you can not move with an adjustment The Red and Blue is ligned up on green. Some cases it does matter how linear the Green color is across the board, just how close you get the blue and red on top of green is what matters.


What you may have needed to do was adjust the green & blue crt screens to match the red. Go into your picture menu adjust, turn color all the way down to a black & white px. Now adjust each crt screen so that you end up with a true black & white px. Then adjust each focus control to get a sharp px, have your tv on a channel like the home shopping network so you can adjust each crt focus one at a time for clarity by cover the other 2 up. Then go back into picure adjust & turn color ahlf way up, you should see a better px.
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