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Posted on Apr 15, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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I shocked my PS2

When I tryed to turn off my ps2 after I was done gaming with it, a static shock came from it, after that shock I saw that the PS2 was shut off. I thought nothing of it at the time but later (2 hours) when I try to turn it on, the red light did not turn green, no matter how many times I pressed it. I think I fryed something but I not a pro, help if you can please!

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  • Posted on Apr 18, 2008
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You have few options. If you know how to take the PS2 apart there should be a small fuse on the computer board you can change. If you fell at all uncomfortable about doing the first spend the money to get it fixed, ther should be a list of repair center @ . Lastly purchase a new one at Best Buy or Curcuit City and get the warrenty.

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Related Questions:


My mad catz dual force ps2 controller wont work

you will need a dual shock 2 ps2 controller. The mad catz controller is probably a dual shock 1 controller. Some games require the dual shock 2. It should say on the back of the game if the dual shock 2 is required. If it says something along the lines of "pressure sensitivity" or "pressure sensitive" on the back of the game case (where it says "1 player" or "2 player") ... then you will need a dual shock 2 controller. If this is not the case and it only says "analog controller" and "vibration" then you won't need the dual shock 2 controller. If the controller doesn't work for any games or even on the console main screen, then it must be the controller that is broken. Try turning the system on without a game in it and see if the controller works. Hope this helped :-)

PS2 dual shock controller not responding

that means you have to get it to a repair shop or just buy a new one !

PS2 - when my son went to turn on the console he shocked it (static) and now it won't turn on. Is there anyway to reset it?

i dont know that much about playstation but shock on a small system like that can fry it but if you unplug everything from the system for a day and plug it back in to try it this might work. Or you can get him a PS3 for christmas if you get the first version of the PS3 it can play PS2 games so you dont waste his games.

Ps2 dual shock black controllers are not recognized?

1.) i think u r controller pin is bend are broken

2.) or controller wire is cut

its better 2 buy a new controller

peace out >>>>>

I turned off my ps2 got a shock now only red light comes on nothing else

try this:

1. turn off PS2
2. unplug PS2, wait for 1 minute
3. plug in PS2

hope this helps :D

When i touched my dualshock controller, i received a series of electric shocks. when i started up my PS2, the controller's red light was on but the buttons and the analogs won't respond. Then, i tried to...

it sounds like your controller has had what is called an elecro static discharge. the only way to fix it is to replace the controller with a new one as it is fried. there is now way for you to repair it.

hope this helped
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Playstation 2 slim won't turn on

try this:

- turn off PS2
- unplug PS2 and wait 1 minute
- plug in PS2 and turn it on

hope this helps :D

PS 2 shocked me when I was turning it off. Now it won't turn on.

Something inside the PS2 is busted so you might need to go to gamestop and get it fixed

Ps2 slim console wont turn on!

i checked the manual (troubleshooting) 1. turn off PS2 2. unplug it then, plug it back in and turn it on(andprayitstillworks).

PS 2 shocked me when I was turning it off. Now it won't turn on.

When you experienced that shock you may have inadvertenly sent an electro static discharge to the circuitry inside the ps2 which would cause it to stop working.
 If it is fairly new return it to the store you purchased it let them know whar happened and usually they will exchange the item for you.
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