Canon MultiPASS F80 All-In-One InkJet Printer Logo
Posted on Apr 14, 2008
Answered by a Fixya Expert

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Problem with Canon MultiPASS F80

The message is:
'Check the printer
Press Resume key'

The Alarm light is blinking.

When I open the cover the printhead with the ink tanks does not come in the middle.

So I can not print, scan or change the ink tanks!!!! Only the fax is working. Pressing the Resume key does not help, nether turining off/on the printer or computer.

I would appreciate very much any suggestion. Thank you.


  • 4 more comments 
  • patlee May 13, 2008

    Something similar happened to me: two inks had gone dry, and when I changed them and hit the Resume button, a grinding noise happened and the ink try won't move. Sounds like it stripped a gear but I don't see anything amiss -- any suggestions?

  • Anonymous Aug 15, 2008

    My printer took a long time shutting down when I shut the computer down and the next time I turned it on to print a grinding noise happened and when I open it to try to see what was wrong, the carrier that holds the won't move out of the right parked position. The ink carrier will move freely if I pull it from the parked position and slide it across to the left side and I don't see any broken belts, but the Alarm light continues to be lit and tells me to check the printer and to press the Resume button. When I do it has a racketting sound on the right side of the printer happens again and the cartridge carrier stay where ever it was left-- any suggestions?


    [email protected]

  • NeDnMyF80 Aug 15, 2008

    I have the same problem Barb described. I tried the steps suggested by myob247, but if I hold Resume and then hold Power nothing happens.

  • Anonymous Aug 25, 2008

    Same problem accept the fax machine has not worked for months either. Is there a center where the machine can be taken for repair? I am just approximately 15 miles west of Chicago, zip code 60154.

  • sheepmom Sep 11, 2008

    I've tried the power on/off etc. It will sometimes work again when I take the printer head out and clean off the contacts on the back and/or the ink thingies on the bottom with a q-tip. The problem keeps returning.

    I don't know whether a new printhead cartridge will help or not. Anybody else tried a new cartridge with success? Failure?

  • squid 69 Dec 22, 2008

    Squid 69 asks for solution to ink tray and printer head will not move when cover is opened printer is a canon multipass f 80 nor will the printer print. All I get is a steady alarm flash and a code that says check printer.


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  • Posted on Dec 19, 2008
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On the right side of the print cartridge carriage there are two small felt ink pads. When they fill with ink somehow the machine detects it. Mine started with the flashing light and check printer error code and then progressed to a nasty grinding sound everytime I hit resume or tried to reset the counter. I thought all was lost, but kept trying. I found two pads, one square and one rectangular. They aren't very spongy but they are full of ink. They are only about an inch across. I got them out without taking the printer apart and repeatedly soaked them in a little water until the water was clear, then I let them dry and replaced them in the little trays where they came from. I cleaned the plastic fins that were nearby and coated with ink with a Qtip and rubbing alcohol. And I removed the print head and cleaned the muck of ink on the connectors with a Qtip and rubbing alcohol. Much to my suprise, after all of this the damn thing worked fine again when I plugged it back in.

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  • Posted on May 17, 2008
Georgia B
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Try re-setting:

1: Power off printer
2: Hold Resume button then press and hold POWER, the beeper will sound once.
3: Hold POWER and release RESUME
4: Press RESUME twice
5: When the indicator lights steady, press RESUME three(3) times. The indicator should be orange.
6: Press Power to set data


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Related Questions:


Alarm button is blinking and paper is not fed in machine

You need to look at the display (LED window) to see what is displayed. It will give you an error message such as "Clear paper Jam," etc. If nothing is displayed, press the "Resume" key to the left. The light should go off.

My multiPass F80 alarm is flashing a check printer press resume key code and I not able to clear it this happened after I stopped it in the middle of a fax mode

This works on the F30, F60, and F80.
Resetting the Waste Ink Volume Counter
1) Enter SERVICE MODE.---
By pressing Menu-Copy-#
2) Select TEST MODE.
3) Select [8] PRINTER TEST in TEST MODE.
4) Select 3. [EEPROM CLEAR].
5) Select 0. [INK COUNT].
6) Press the [OK] key.
7) Press the [Stop/Reset] key (returning to the state of 3)), and then press the [ON/OFF] key.

I’m happy to assist further over the phone at


Alarm light flashing and push resume doesn't work. Ink cartridges are full. Any suggestions

You need a shop to help with that. At this point it could be anything, paper jam, purge assembly stuck, printhead bad, etc.

Check Printer and Press resume key message along with Alarm light

Too many things can cause that, paper jams, carriage errors, printhead problems, purge assembly errors, feed roller errors, need more info to be of any help.

Canon Multipass F80 printer. "Check printer press resume key"

On the f80 you need a shop to go to service mode and get the error code and tell you what the problem is. Could be purge assembly, waste ink full, feeder error, printhead error, any number of possible problems.

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Hi. if your multipass is connected to a computer you can check in the printer monitor status the exact error . Or you can count how many time the error display blinks

Cannon multipass f80

Hi,I would suggest you to first trying unplugging/ switching off your device for 5 minutes. This restores and refreshes the device. Go for it
Let me know if this works, if it doesn’t then I’ll provide some other alternative solution.


Check Printer Press Resume button

When your printing? thats the problem? Remove the USB cable then turn off the printer, then turn on it again and plug in the USB cable on the USB port. See what will happen?

Alarm light on. F80

This worked for me on an F60 and someone else on an F30. Re: Check Printer error message on Canon MultiPass by watsonk (6/7/05 11:16 PM) reply + / - It could be due to "waste tank full" alarm; you may need to reset the waste tank counter. I found a reset sequence for a MP730 printer in this website that works for F30 as well. Try: Resetting the Waste Ink Volume Counter 1) Enter SERVICE MODE.--- By pressing Menu-Copy-# 2) Select TEST MODE. 3) Select [8] PRINTER TEST in TEST MODE. 4) Select 3. [EEPROM CLEAR]. 5) Select 0. [INK COUNT]. 6) Press the [OK] key. 7) Press the [Stop/Reset] key (returning to the state of 3)), and then press the [ON/OFF] key. Skip step (6) since there is no [OK] key on F30 printers.

Multipass print head stopped working

try to move the printhead left to right. and make sure there is nothing obstructing it. Also make sure you ink cartridges are in securely. If that doesnt work let me know.
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