Sharp 32U-S60 32" TV Logo
Posted on Apr 14, 2008

Black screen come

The Black menu screen comes on without any legends, and stays until you use a button on the remote, then it disappears for a few minutes, and returns again

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Michael Powers

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  • Contributor 1 Answer
  • Posted on Apr 15, 2008
Michael Powers
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Joined: Apr 15, 2008

This is due to a "Text" setting in closed caption.

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Curing the "black box" on some TV channels

Here's the symptom: A mysterious black box covers some or most of the picture on your TV, but not all the time. It may not show up on all channels, or sometimes it disappears only to come back later.

No, it's not the picture tube, it's your closed-captioning. Somehow your TV has been set to "text mode", and the screen is being cleared for text that isn't there. On channels or shows where captions aren't being broadcast, there's no box. But the box returns when captioning is being sent.

Many TV set remote controls have a single button to set closed-caption modes, so it's easy to set a TV to "text" without knowing it. (Especially when you have kids who love to press buttons!) Then when the box pops up, it's a mystery.

Simply press the captioning button on the remote, or use the set's menu, to cycle through the settings until you turn captions off. No more box!
on Jan 31, 2010 • Televison & Video

Black square appears on my Legend TV

Check to see if you have text turned on in the closed captioning menu.

Black Box on the screen

It sounds like a text box that isn't receiving any text. If it covers almost the entire screen, then you might have accidentally got the settings into DEMO mode. It could also be a box for closed captioning, but that usually covers just the lower part of the screen. Either way, the solution is to go into the setup menu and restore facotry presets.

Black box appears in TV screen

The problem with the black box happened to me. I had pushed the subtitle button on my remote by mistake. Interestingly enough, as soon as I pushed the SUBTITLE key again, on the remote, the black boxes disappeared.

It also says CC which means closed captioned-- So the bottom on my remote is Subtitle, and then on the subtitle button is cc...

I hope this helps

Black rectangle on screen

Usually that is a part of the closed caption settings. If it is set to either T1 or T2 that box will appear ....

Black box on screen

go into menu find
cc settings and
change setting to off
(make note of the one thats
causing the problem)

Jvc flat screen television model AV32F713 Black box on screen.

On the reomte control (bottom) left of the sleep button is a cc button, push that until "OFF" appears on the screen. The close caption box should disappear. It worked for me, finally.

Black box on screen

On your remote should be a button called TV caption or text. Turn off the closed caption as someone hit it and turned it on by accident. If its not on your remote, then it is in the menu. Good Luck Ps Please dont forget to rate this thread.
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