Ifyour Windows 7 or Vista computer has encountered the dreaded "BOOTMGRis missing" error, you aren't alone. If the problem isn't hardwarerelated you can fix it with relative ease as long as you have a WindowsDVD handy.
If you don't have one, you can create a Windows Vista repair disk
Boot off the Windows Vista DVD and then click Next at the first prompt You can also follow the step from this side:h
ttp://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/fixing-bootmgr-is-missing-error-while-trying-to-boot-windows-vista/ The installation process will attempt to find your Vistainstallation directory. If there's more than one in the list, selectthe correct one and then use the Next button again.
Click the first link for "Startup Repair"
The installation process will repair the system, and then prompt for you to reboot.
Alternatively you could have chosen the Command Prompt option instead,and use the following command to fix the boot options only: bootrec /fixboot
At this point you should be able to reboot your computer, remove the DVD and everything should be working.
i need to go back to the basic vista. not just restart it.