GE GSS25SGSSS Stainless Steel Side by Side Refrigerator Logo
Posted on Apr 14, 2008

Freezer side door not locking shut

When I shut the refrigerator door, the freezer door pops open. I don't think it is the magnetic seal because I can feel the pull of the magnet when I open the freezer door when it is shut, but it pops open every time I close the frig door.

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  • Posted on Apr 14, 2008
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Joined: Apr 14, 2008

Mine has been doing this for over a month. Then on Friday it started making a clicking sound a CONSTANT clicking sound. I get home from a marriage retreat for families getting ready to be deployed and gee ALL my food in the fridge is BAD!!!!
My model number is ssh25kfrfww Please give yours. Also my door NEVER locked from day one. As my children are older I didnt think it was a big issue till today.

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The freezer door may be misaligned from top to bottom, resulting in poor contact with the magnetic seal. Another possibility is that the hinges are defective or misaligned, allowing the door to pop open.

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Seals don't lose their magnetism. Check the door closes all the way round and adjust the hinges if it doesn't sit straight. Check there isn't a relief valve frozen up or blocked (it allows air to escape when the doors are closed). Check the drawers are fully pushed back in and not stopping the door closing properly

Freezer door pops open when the Refrigerator door is being closed

My new freezer did the same thing. I contacted the company and they went into the whole leveling thing. What it has to do with is the magnetic seal. The magnets are not strong enough to keep the freezer door from popping open when closing the big fridge door. They share the same duct. I level my doors on the fridge and freezer so they swing shut by themselves after opening. Just the force of the big door when it swung closed cracked open the freezer door about a quarter of an inch and if left unnoticed created a puddle and made the fridge run overtime. I solved the problem by placing strong magnets inside the fold of the magnetic seal at the handle end of the door. This is the flap on the outside the door seal. I used six magnets on the top and six on the bottom. The magnets were from discarded Sonicare tooth brush heads. They are very flat and super strong. You can find something on ebay. My freezer door doesn't budge problem solved. I did call the company and told them I solved the problem and they still insisted it was the leveling. Good luck, Art Knapp

When we close the refrigerator door the freezer door pops open. It seems like a vacum problem?

My new freezer did the same thing. I contacted the company and they went into the whole leveling thing. What it has to do with is the magnetic seal. The magnets are not strong enough to keep the freezer door from popping open when closing the big fridge door. They share the same duct. I level my doors on the fridge and freezer so they swing shut by themselves after opening. Just the force of the big door when it swung closed cracked open the freezer door about a quarter of an inch and if left unnoticed created a puddle and made the fridge run overtime. I solved the problem by placing strong magnets inside the fold of the magnetic seal at the handle end of the door. This is the flap on the outside the door seal. I used six magnets on the top and six on the bottom. The magnets were from discarded Sonicare tooth brush heads. They are very flat and super strong. You can find something on ebay. My freezer door doesn't budge problem solved. I did call the company and told them I solved the problem and they still insisted it was the leveling. Good luck, Art Knapp

Every time the refrigerator door is closed, the freezer door pops open. How can we better secure the seals?

My new freezer did the same thing. I contacted the company and they went into the whole leveling thing. What it has to do with is the magnetic seal. The magnets are not strong enough to keep the freezer door from popping open when closing the big fridge door. They share the same duct. I level my doors on the fridge and freezer so they swing shut by themselves after opening. Just the force of the big door when it swung closed cracked open the freezer door about a quarter of an inch and if left unnoticed created a puddle and made the fridge run overtime. I solved the problem by placing strong magnets inside the fold of the magnetic seal at the handle end of the door. This is the flap on the outside the door seal. I used six magnets on the top and six on the bottom. The magnets were from discarded Sonicare tooth brush heads. They are very flat and super strong. You can find something on ebay. My freezer door doesn't budge problem solved. I did call the company and told them I solved the problem and they still insisted it was the leveling. Good luck, Art Knapp

Freezer won't stay shut

If you want a part number for the replacement door gasket please provide a complete model number here so I can give that to you or you can look it up yourself at You must have your model number. (sample 110.XXXXX etc)

The magnet is inside the door seal itself. If the seal is damaged replacement is your only option.

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Freezer door wont seal and stay closed

Your pushing air from the fridge part over to the freezer door when you clos it,the only thing i can suggest is make sure that the seal (which is magnetic) is clean and not falling apart,inspect it all around the door,and when closing the door i would close it gently.

Hope this helped.Let me know by rating me or
for more help go to live chat.Thanks
Len West

Freezer door won't stay shut

I have the exact same problem - very annoying. The only thing I found to work was to purchase one of those child safety locks. I bought the Kidco Appliance Fridge Lock S330 because it was the only one I could find that automatically relocks after you shut the door. Buy two (or more) at a time because the arm will eventually wear out and break (after several months depending on how often you use it). You can check out the product's details on eBay - that's where I purchased mine. Hope that helps.

Freezer door won't stay shut

Could be the air pressure created from shutting the refer door is popping open the other one. There are are channels between the two so cool air from the freezer gets to the refer compartment. Try this as a test... s l o w l y close the refer door and see if that keeps the other door from popping open. If that works then it's likely an air channel is frozen up somewhere and you may need to turn the unit off for a day or so to let it thaw out. Moisture from leaking door seals, or doors that were left slightly open overnight can be sucked in and freeze up the air channels. I don't know if you are sort of slamming the door shut or not but the doors need to be shut slowly due to how air tight the new refers are.
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