I am trying to burn a disk with my Dell 4300 Computer. When I in
1) Insert a Blank CD-R into your CD Drive and push the button to close the door.
2) Wait a moment for the What do you want Windows to do? box. If
this box does not appear, you can open the Windows Explorer by
double-clicking the My Documents icon or the My Computer icon
on your Desktop.
3) When asked What do you want Windows to do?, click Open
writable CD folder using Windows Explorer.
4) Once the Windows Explorer opens, click on the link on the left that
says My Documents to get to your My Documents folder.
5) To copy everything in the My Documents folder to CD, click Edit
and then click Select All. All the folders and documents on the
right will be selected.
a) Note: If you only want to copy certain files/folders to CD, hold the Ctrl
key on your keyboard to select only the files / folders that you want to copy.
6) Once your files are selected, click Copy the selected items on the
task pane on the left side of the window. (If you do not see these
words on the left, click the Folders button once.)
7) When the Copy Items box appears, select the CD Drive (D:) and
click Copy.
8) Once the files are finished copying, you will see a balloon in the
bottom right corner of your screen saying that You have files
waiting to be written to the CD.
9) If you are only copying you’re My Documents folder to CD, you
can click that yellow balloon to complete the CD burning process.
Note: If you do not see that balloon, wait a few more moments. If you still
do not see it, click on the My Computer link on the task pane on the left,
then double-click the D: drive. Then proceed with the next step.
10) Clicking the balloon will bring you to the D: drive and you will see
the files you have copied under the Files Ready to Be Written to the CD section.
11) On the left, click Write these files to CD.
12) You will be asked to type a CD name. This simply gives the CD a name and is optional (16-
character limit).
13) Click Next.
14) When the CD Writing Wizard is complete, your CD will be ejected and you will see a box telling
you that you have successfully written the files to the CD. Click Finish.
15) To ensure that the files have been successfully written to the CD, insert the CD again and wait a
moment. The CD and its contents should appear on your screen after a few seconds.
You can continue to copy files to this CD until the CD is full. When the CD is full, you will be told so by
Windows. CD’s cannot be erased. Once a file is copied to a CD, it is permanently there.
The files that you have copied to CD are Read-Only. This means that you cannot make changes to a
file on the CD and save those changes directly back to the CD. If you want to change a file on the CD,
you must open the file, save it to your PC’s hard drive (My Documents or Desktop folders are
recommended), then follow the steps above to copy the file back to the CD, clicking Yes when asked if
you want to replace the file on the CD with the new one.