Neither water nor cleaner is being dispensed when holding the trigger, and flow indicator isn't moving. Checked belt, cleaned everything out, checked seals...can't seem to find any problems.
water and shampoo is not dis pensing
The water tank and the solution tank both have red gaskets that attach to the bottoms of the tanks. Make sure they are on properly, I just had the same problem and spent hours taking apart the machine and inspecting lines to find out it was a gasket.
On my machine the red gasket for the solution got stuck in the chasis for the machine. The bissel website alludes to this, but isn't very clear.
Other posters talk about the heaters, or the lines being clogged and I immediatley inspected these areas, turns out it was a gasket that was hiding in the chasis. Both the water tank and the solution tank should have one, and make sure they don't get nestled in the chasis!
Flow Indicator Not Moving, Not Dispensing Anything
Posted by JustGi on Apr 13, 2008
Neither water nor cleaner is being dispensed when holding the trigger, and flow indicator isn't moving. Checked belt, cleaned everything out, checked seals...can't seem to find any problems.
Water and shampoo is not dispensing
I would advise you to ALWAYS to FIRST UNPLUG YOUR VACUUM before beginning any service procedure.
Bissell 9500 ProHeat 2X Clean Shot Upright
This could be that you have a defective water valve assm below the water tank or the trigger assm is not working properly or not connected. You may want to refer to your owner’s manual and check out the trouble shooting guide for no water coming out. You may want to contact the factory or manufacturer to see if they have service tech support or to send out a new owners manual for your current model #. So if you need further assistance, please feel free to contact your local vacuum cleaner dealer in your area or in the yellow pages, or contact the factory phone number or website to further assist you with your questions. By Phone Customer Service:
(800) 237-7691 Hours:
M-F 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. ET
Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. ET
Don – The Vac Man
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