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Posted on Apr 13, 2008

Cd and dvd wont play

When i insert disc nothing happens

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  • Posted on Apr 13, 2008
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An expert who has achieved level 1.

Joined: Apr 13, 2008

Check that the drive is present in my computer and try playing disc from there first. Also right click on the drive letter and go to properties. There's a trouble shooter there. Hope this helps

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Related Questions:


Why won't my Acer laptop play compact discs?

Most units are designed to "autoplay" audio CDs when they are inserted. When they fail to do so, it could be because the CD is dirty or scratched and was bot recognized, the media player that you are using to play the CD was not in a state that it could autoplay the CD, or there could be a problem with the Disk drive or PC itself. Whenever a CD fails to play upon insertion, go to the "My Computer" icon (win7 or below) and see if the CD/DVD drive shows a disk inserted. If so, clicking on the drive will often start the playback.

Disc will not play

If you insert the CD/DVD and nothing happens.
Try going to Start/Computer and in there you should see your CD/DVD drive.

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Check the CD for any defect. Hold it against light and see whether there is any tiny spots. If the CD is faulty this kindl of fault can occur. OK.

Dvd wont eject when you try to open it. or dvd wont play

i think the cd or dcd disc inside stuck-up you have to insert the tiny hole located at the dvd rom and insert a needle or something that is similiar or smaller of the hole size of that locted in your dvd rom.usually its new the LED blinking when opening or inserting the disc. and now you can now eject your disc manually regarding your question about it won't play a dvd try first to clean your DVD disc with a micro fiber cloth, avoid you'll scratch it, if still the same i think you're dvd room is defective.

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the drive is not recognizing any dvd. this happens when you insert dvd into cd drive. if this happens with dvd drive its factory malfunction probably so if you can-replace it

Wont play dvd's.

If this happens when you insert a DVD disc then most likely the laser assembly is failing in the DVD drive. In most cases it will probably still play CD's. The part number needed is LSVQ0087 and isn't cheap as seen on the following ebay posting. Please take a moment to rate my answer. Thanks.

My computer wont let me play any of my cd/dvd/softwaredisc...

I assume you're referring to music CDs. What media player are you useing. What happens when you open windows media player and hit play --> CD audio? Any error messages?

The CDROM drive may be bad.

My 14" dvd combi player wont read any disc i put in. The only thing that happens is that the main screen says reading disc then about 1 minute later is says please insert a playable disc. I have tried...

The optics can not read the disc. Try cleaning the lens inside using a cotton swab and alcohol. Also try playing a music CD. If the CD plays but a DVD continues to fail, the opticsl will need to be replaced. Depending upon the specific model, this could cost anywhere from $50-$120.

DVDs & CDs will not play

If you are playing STANDARD CD or regular DVD that you have purchase and you are having this problem,your dvd player is malfunction;however,if you are playing DVD burner disc or a different dvd region disc(we are region 1 in U.S.) that is no going to work.Same thing for your CD burner disc,it might not work.
If you are using a rental dvd disc,check and see if there is scratches?If so,try to get one without that many scratches!
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