Hobart N50 Stand Mixer Logo

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Posted on Apr 13, 2008

Noisy Hobart N50 Mixer


I just acquired an older model Hobart N50 mixer (1/8 HP with fuse on back). It is very niosy in all gears. Does this signal gear repalcement or is it possible lubrication would solve the noise. How can I diagnose the problem?

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  • Contributor 68 Answers
  • Posted on Apr 25, 2008
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First, there is a double set screw (one on top of the other - if they are both there) towards the back of the planetary.

Remove the first screw, it should have a normal tip, not pointy. Run the mixer in 1st and adjust the screw, first out then in. Then repeat in 3rd. You should clearly hear a difference.

If not, you probably need to repack the grease in the transmission. The proper grease is called "Darina II". It's expensive ~ $35 per mixer.

  • fireone5882 Jun 05, 2011

    Thanks to you, this was very useful.


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Hobart N50 noises

The frequency is the same in all gears.
disconnect the power and invert the mixer and remove the planetary after driving out the taper pin, then you can access the transmission. It may be a rotor shaft bearing in the motor or no grease on the worm gears.
Nice touch with the video.
If you need parts:

BBeater scraping back bottom of bowl

Is the planetary still off before the taper pin is in place?

It's a shot in the dark but if everything lines up, I can think of two possibilities:

1. The taper pin in backwards, and
2. The shaft hole in the planetary is out of round.

I have an old Hobart 5 quart N50 mixer (4749). There is a phenolic gear which is driven by the gear on the motor shaft, and this gear is starting to delaminate at some tooth edges (about 1/8"). ...

The gear has not really changed. It is a fail-safe gear designed to break before the motor is damaged by the transmission being jammed.

As to whether it will last, I can't say. I know of no other sources for the gear other than keeping a watch of Ebay.

My hobart n50 mixer,when pluged in does nothing at all. why? and what to do?

The N50 is a heavy duty / commercial counter top mixer. It is available in several different versions for different power sources. Make sure yours is the model for use with the power available at your location. The power versions are:

100-120/60/1, 100/50/1, 230/50/1, 220/60/1 and 230/60/1

This lists the information in the following format: voltage/frequency/phase. If used in the US or Canada (and many other parts of the world) you would most likely want the 100-120/60/1 or the 230/60/1 version. All are single phase, so this shouldn't be an issue to worry about. Use of any of the other versions could result in shortened life expectancy of the mixer or immediate, catastrophic failure of the mixer and possibility of burns, shock or electrocution if connection is attempted.

If the mixer matches the power available, check for proper wiring at the source point of connection and in the mixer. You may need an electrician to change the power at the connection point from 100-120/60/1 to 230/60/1 (or vice-versa since BOTH are available in North America). Also check to be sure that fuses or circuit breakers in the electrical panel are intact and on. Do not overlook GFI outlets if using the 100 to 120/60/1 version. Reset any tripped GFI outlet. If still unable to operate, verify that power is present at the connection point. If unable to operate, contact an electrician to check the power and wiring of the mixer.

The mixer data sheet is available here.

My older model Hobart n50 mixer stopped working. The motor is running but three teeth on the fiber gear were broken off from the main gear in the transmission. While removing some of the grease, I found...

The best solution I can give you is to become a member at the Hobart Corp. website and use there schematics to find where the pin goes. It is free to use the parts catologues have a parts blowup.
Follow the link below:

Thank you for using FixYa, I hope this helps.

Looking for older Hobart logo for N50 mixer 1965

you would have to have it made not available

Hobart N50

Some of the N50's were packed with a white grease. It tends to seperate. So the oil portion finds it's way out. It sounds like it is getting into the motor case, and is running down the inside of the column. Hobart now uses a brown clay based grease --- Darina 2.

If the amounts are small, and the mixer is not excessively noisy, I wouldn't be concerned. If you wanted to fix it, the transmission would need to be removed, cleaned, and repacked. For a Hobart tech, 3 hours labor, $45 grease, plus parts.

Hobart N-50 mixer clangs on 1st and 2nd speed

CE is the marking that shows its european conformant.  I think the difference is mostly in terms of the no volt interlock switch.  This means the KA style N50 bowl won't work with the CE models - too low.

Hobart N50 Tripped

The reset button is to protect over amping the motor. The N-50 is not a very strong unit, (commercially), but you won't break a gear. If you overload the unit, you'll either trip the overload (reset button), or you will break the taper pin that attaches the planetary to the center shaft.

If you're looking for a small commercial unit, and you're in the US, look into the 10 qt Precision Mixer.
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